The Return of torture
For thousands of years humans enjoyed torturing, or seeing their peers tortured. But in a relatively short period of time the torture happened to occupy a in public places to be practiced in secret by the degree of contempt it generated. For over a hundred years disappeared almost completely from the political and academic debates. His words raised a unanimous condemnation only in liberal democracies. But it has become. For eight years, politicians and philosophers discuss the correction to apply in certain cases, universities and the forum will argue about the desirability of legalization. The heroes of the folk tales of practice for good. Many people do not see it as an act absolutely prohibited (even unconsciously many enjoy it through your TV, newspapers and magazines or internet). Torture closeted to claim a respectable place to stay, no cares about radical changes to our societies suffer upheld. His best argument is to show that there are occasions where it is essential to save the lives of thousands of innocents, and those who practice in these cases have no shame in it. It reminds us that sometimes we must choose between two evils, and that, if we interrogate a terrorist who knows where a bomb that will end the lives of thousands of people but refuses to give us the information that could save them, "she is the lesser evil, the only morally correct option. Torture has emerged from the limbo of moral condemnation. This conference aims to assist in the effort to unmask and return to your site, if we still have time for it. CYCLE
I THINK THE FILM Session 2: March 17 at 19 pm. Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law, Ourense.
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