Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chicago Ukrainian Singles

Master: Research Plan

Research is a systematic, rigorous y. .. planned. One of the first planning tasks to be performed by the investigator is the development of the "research plan" (or "project" - see respective input). It is convenient to carry out any work without first knowing that we are doing. The research plan is an informational and private use of the investigator. Contains the essential aspects of work to be carried out and writing them explicit forces to increase the rational control over them. The researcher may change the plan as often as deemed necessary, but should always start from a new formulation to avoid written work to drift.

the task performed before 28 October will be to write a research plan for a research-real or hypothetical. This means developing a written brief in stating only:
1. The narrow issue,
2. The problem or research problems,
3. The justification of the relevance of the question chosen,
4. The answer to defend (hypothesis, theory later),
4. Study design, or the answer to the question "What shall I do to find aa support my hypothesis?"
5. Literature or other sources consulted. This

brief, informal writing should be posted as a comment to this post before the reunion, so that it can analyze critically some cases. I left the comments containing the plans submitted last year to have more examples that work. Remember, you can consult me \u200b\u200bat any time by writing to .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Salon Letter Templates

punishment, retribution and revenge

The word "punishment" has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used, some of them very different. For this we should start mentioning its scope. I will use "punishment" to refer to (1) an infringing act is suffering (or other consequences normally considered unpleasant), (2) is carried out in response to the violation of a rule, (3) which is imposed and carried out by the authorities who issued the rule, or by persons bound by other rules of the regulatory system to which the rule breached, (4) that expresses a sentiment of disapprobation (social or personal) to the offender, and (5) which is seen as a just retribution for the offense committed (cf. Hart 1994, Ross 1976, Rabossi 1976).

We examine in more detail two aspects of this definition, for the purpose of making it operational. The first has to do with what it means to be bound by a rule to make certain conduct (or refrain from it.) This is crucial to make sense of the requirements (2) and (3). The second will be to refine the concept of pay to be able to differentiate the effects of revenge, and thus allow the classification of particular behaviors in one way or another.

Following Hart, we say that "a rule imposing obligations when the general demand for conformity is insistent and the social pressure on those who deviate or threaten to make it big ... When pressure in the forms of physical sanctions are prominent or are unusual, although not precisely defined and are administered by officials, but their implementation is left the community in general, be inclined to classify the rules as a rudimentary or primitive form of law .... What is worth noting that the emphasis on the importance or seriousness of the social pressure that lies behind the rules is the primary factor determining them to be conceived as giving rise to obligations. "(Hart 1963: 107-08) .

The existence of social rules that give both the rating basis of conduct as an offense or wrong, as the imposition of penalties is crucial to sustain the existence of a remuneration policy (a rudimentary form of law as characterized Hart) . "Criminal law is something we obey or disobey; what their rules require duty is qualified. If we disobey is said to have been a "violation" to the right and that what we've done is legally "wrong" ("wrong"), the "breach of duty" or a "crime" ("offense"). The criminal law serves to establish and define such conduct as something that should be omitted or performed by those to whom the Act applies, whatever their wishes. The penalty or sanction "charged to the rules or violations of criminal law seeks to create a reason for men to refrain from such activities (although the punishment can serve other purpose). "(Hart 1963: 34). "For the judge, punish, take the ruler as a guide and the breach as the reason and justification of punishment to the offender ... The same applies to informal censorship by the transgression of rules is not legal ... We say that censor or punish a man because he violated the rule ... "(Hart 1963: 13). These features are also crucial, as discussed below, to establish a clear boundary between retribution and revenge.

As Nozick (1981: 366-68) there are at least five significant differences between punishment understood as retribution and revenge (although de las similitudes estructurales que el mismo autor reconoce entre ambas formas de responder a una ofensa). “In drawing these contrast between retribution and revenge, I do not deny that can be mixed cases, or that people can be moved by mixed motives, partially a desire for retribution, partially a desire for revenge, or that a stated desire can mask another one that is operative. Usually, it is charged that those favoring retribution really crave revenge; but this will be especially implausible in the absence of a special tie to the victim... The charge itself, though, recognizes the distinction, even as it seeks to blur it. That retribution can be distinguished from revenge and is, on its surface at least, less primitive neither shows that, nor explains why, retribution is justified. Nor does it retribution and revenge Explain why Often Have Been so confused. "(Nozick 1981: 368).

(1) the remuneration is in response to misconduct, conduct that violates a rule of the community, while revenge may be carried out by an injury, harm or disrespect, do not have to be a misnomer .

(2) the remuneration set an internal limit commensurate with the gravity of the misconduct to determine the extent of punishment to be imposed, while vengeance sets no such limit to the damage it can inflict (although Avenger can be limited in its response razones externas). “The punishment deserve depends on the magnitude H of the wrongness of the act, and the person’s degree of responsibility r for the act, and is equal in magnitude to their product, r x H. The degree of responsibility r varies between one (full responsibility) and zero (no responsibility), and may take intermediate numerical values corresponding to partial responsibility... The magnitud H is a measure of the wrongness of harm, done or intended, of the act.” (Nozick 1981: 363). “Revenge is a private matter: the party wronged –wether it be the actual victim o the victim’s relatives or friends- takes the responsibility for seeing that justice is done. For this reason, the penalty the wrongdoer faces What is limited only by the victim is willing and Able to do in Retaliation ... Revenge has to dig a Historically Be Disproportionate to the Offense original. "(Wilkes 1999: 23).

(3) vengeance is a personal matter, is made "for what you've done to my ____ (same father, group, wife, brother, etc..)." But the one who pays does not need any special or personal tie to the victim of the misconduct for which compensation is required. "Revenge May Involve differing Notions of linkage: (a) Because of What you did to my ______; (b) Because of What you did to me. If someone kills your father, under linkage to him kill you while you kill b under His Father. " (Nozick 1981: 367). The agents can exert revenge on behalf of someone who has a personal reason to carry it out, but the desire of third parties that someone running a vengeance can not be understood as a desire for revenge in the strict sense. The compensation, however, may be desired or inflicted by people without any personal relationship with the victim of the offense.

(4) revenge awakens an emotional reaction, a certain pleasure in the suffering of others, while the remuneration does not require any particular emotional tone or imply any feeling of pleasure associated with that justice. That is why the avenger often want to witness the suffering of those to whom it is addressed revenge, while in cases of pay there is no special interest in witnessing the suffering that is inflicted.

(5) revenge does not aspire to any degree of generality. The need for revenge emerges as the way in which the injured party feels at the time of suffering. Nothing to avenge other acts committed in the future (or have the need I had done in the past). Instead, he imposes a fee-inflicting the punishment for misconduct, "acts under the existence of any general rule which requires giving back the same way similar acts. In addition, it is likely which alludes to the existence of these rules during the imposition of punishment, because they are its justification.

not discuss the correctness of this approach in this entry, because the goal is to apply the theoretical framework in the interpretation of a film. Barton (1999: 56-68) disagrees with each of these five hallmarks, considering that excludes revenge as a form of justice without justification. The application will Nozick's proposal can also be understood as testing for the purpose of determining their validity.

REFERENCES Barton, Charles KB 1999. Getting even. Revenge as a form of justice . Chicago-La Salle: Open Court.
Hart, HLA 1963. The concept of law , BA, Abeledo-Perrot.
Hart, HLA 1992. Punishment and Responsibility. Essays in the philosophy of law . Oxford: Clarendon Press. Original edition, 1968.
Nozick, Robert. 1981. Philosophical Explanations . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Rabossi, Eduardo. 1976. The moral justification of punishment . Buenos Aires: Astrea.
Ross, Alf. 1976. "The purpose of punishment." In law, philosophy and language. Homenaje a Ambrosio l. Gioia, ed. Genaro Carrio :151-192. Buenos Aires: Astrea.


Find an example of retribution and revenge on another film Inglourious Basterds . Justify your choice.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Princess Roller Skates

Inglourious Basterds: Relevant Issues

Bruce Russell (2007) argues that films can only be relevant philosophical and generating questions to investigate, but are unable to offer support to any philosophical position able to answer (except that in the dialogues there is a argument that to fulfill that role.) What are the philosophical issues of concern raised by the latest Tarantino film? KEYBOARD

How can Hans
Landa, a person whose mission is to find all Jews from occupied France to be deported to death camps, be as polite to the family LaPadite? Would it not, a priori, easier to expect him to behave like a tyrant with the world?

Hans Landa LaPadite knew the family hid several Jews. The most logical (if there is any logic to it) would be to register the house and arrested, but what makes Landa is pretending not to know anything, with the intention that the Jews knew that they had been discovered. How can you be so ghoulish as to do that, and then forcing Perrier LaPadite to follow the game? Why

Aldo Raine says that the Nazis did not have humanity when it accepts an order (and communicate it to his subordinates) to kill any Nazi who are in the most cruel possible?

Why else Aldo Raine wants to fight genocide against the Jewish people organized and executed by senior leaders of the Third Reich, is not intended from the beginning, with his men, to undermine Nazi leaders? Why

macabre running regular German soldiers, in most cases, they have no involvement with this incident, or if you have is due to many years of propaganda of Goebbels? Should differentiate among soldiers who consort with the National Socialist ideas and those who only fight for their country without ideological implications? If they did, would they be easier to justify their violent reprisals against those soldiers?

"could be considered immoral actions of the Bastards? Could we justify in any way?

How would you describe the life of Shoshanna? Would you say that was lucky to escape Hans Landa and take refuge in Paris and to some extent, rebuild their lives? Or you could say that, despite being one of the few Jews in his area was spared, was unfortunate to live what did he live?

What brings a girl like Shoshanna, to collaborate with the operation to kill the leaders of the Third Reich (ending the war a year before), knowing that it is a suicide operation? Is the hatred of Nazis?, "The desire for revenge?," The line of duty?

working instructions
[Maximum length 4,000 characters]

List relevant questions posed Inglourious Basterds. KEYBOARD

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kyle Petty Belly Button Monster

Inglourious Basterds: Redemption in a postmodern world


The aim of this study is to analyze the article by Mark Conard "Reservoir Dogs. Redemption in a Postmodern World "(2007) which deal with various aspects of Tarantino films and determine whether the issues highlighted by the author in respect of his previous films can be seen also in his latest film Inglourious Basterds.

Conard To start gives us a definition of redemption. From a strictly religious point of view concerning the salvation of Christians through suffering and death of Christ on the cross. But colloquially speak of redemption as any attempt by any person to change their way of life, to evolve from something bad to something good.

This theme of redemption is a constant in the films of Tarantino. As noted in the article, in Reservoir Dogs This topic is much in conversation that opens the film and the performances of Mr. Orange and Mr. White. Also evident in Pulp Fiction through acts of Jules. In Inglourious Basterds

central theme is revenge. On one hand we Shoshanna revenge against those who killed his family and that somehow represents the revenge of the entire Jewish people against Nazism. On the other hand, the bastards, led by Aldo Raine fight the barbarism of the Germans trying to kill as many of them. This can be considered a way to achieve redemption, to change things through revenge. Conard

highlights the symbolism that have uniform in the films of Tarantino. Reservoir Dogs In both the gangsters and the police are different from the "normal people" for their uniforms. In Inglourious Basterds Nazi soldiers are the ones who wear uniforms and are therefore different from the others. Is considered by breaking away from even the person becomes a normal person and that is a symbol of redemption. Aldo Raine in the film prevents Nazi uniform redeem it apart are marked with a sign that will never be erased: the scar of the swastika on his forehead. Raine's how to prevent soldiers escape their ambush and Colonel Landa forget his past with the same ease that emerge from uniform, thus avoiding their redemption.

In the article mentioned, Conard says that Tarantino is a filmmaker skeptical and relativistic. We are talking about a new black film director, a postmodern director. We draw this conclusion when assessing different traits in all his films such as references to popular culture. Reservoir Dogs In speaking of a song Madonna and Inglourious Basterds could identify these references to popular culture references to movies during the film or card games that take place in the tavern. Also seen in these films other hallmarks of the neo-noir like the mix of genres. In the case Inglourious Basterds have reminiscences of the Spaghetti Western mixed gender and war movies and action.

also in the world created by Tarantino moral relativism reigns and there is nothing and no one to say or indicate what is right and what is not. Nobody shows where the line between good and evil. It denies the existence of universal values \u200b\u200band it is considered that the values \u200b\u200bare relative rather than objective. There are simply many perspectives all equally valid. Inglourious Basterds would be valid in the actions of all the characters: both the revenge of Shoshanna and bastards like the barbaric acts of the Nazis. Then have to ask the search for redemption by Tarantino's characters is extremely complicated.

If redemption is to pass a bad way to a better life and world of Tarantino shows us not what is objectively right would be futile to seek redemption for something that is not considered bad or worthless, or objectionable. We could conclude then, coinciding with Conard-that the universe created by Tarantino himself undermines any attempt at redemption of his characters. WORKING SETPOINT

[1] What do you think of this interpretation of the film? Justify your answer [Maximum length 4,000 characters]