Monday, January 31, 2011

Free Templates Dora The Explorer Backpack

The Walking Dead, zombies and women warriors

GUEST: Paula Blanco Álvarez

First, I will discuss what the role of women in this series recently released zombie called "The Walking Dead." Ie, first discuss how we are introduced to women in a current context (year 2010) in a Western country (United States) in which women are supposed to have already reached high levels of equality with respect to men, and is still fighting this direction. On the other hand, compare the role assigned to women in this series of terror attributed to women in the film "Night of the Living Dead 1990, Tom Savini, focusing the role played by the character of Barbara.

Second, analyze and are considered the zombies (here referred to walkers or walkers dead "in English) and compare them with how we presented in the film referred to above of Tom Savini.

That is, the two big questions that will draw me in this work are: What is the role played by women in the series "The Walking Dead"? And zombies are considered persons?

The methodology involves the viewing of the 6 chapters that make up the first season of the series in question and comparing these with the films already seen in class: "Night of the Living Dead George A. Remake of Romero and Tom Savini eponymous title as well as articles on women Waitess warrior and Barry Keith Grant entitled "Taking Back the Night of Living Dead: George Romero, Feminism, and the Horror Film."

The Walking Dead series consists of 6 chapters in his first season and tells the story of a group of survivors during a zombie apocalypse. Has the peculiarity that each chapter is headed by a different director, including two women, Michelle Mclaren, Gwyneth Horder-Python. In the script, however, involved only men, 6 as well.

Inspired by the movie "The Night of the Living Dead" by George A. Romero, as evidenced in the first scene of the series that shows a moving car on a deserted road , with swaths of trees to the sides, in a rural area. Then Rick, the protagonist, dressed in his uniform of a sheriff kills 6 year old girl shot in the head and without hesitation because it had become a zombie. It all starts, is therefore a clear nod to the film that inspired.

What is the role played by women?

Entering answer the first question asked should I refer to the large number of women involved in the series, however, none of them is a woman warrior. While Barbara's character from "The Night of the Living Dead" by Tom Savini was clearly a woman Guererro, although it could be interpreted as fulfilled or not expressed by Waitess characteristics, none of the women in the series here can be analyzed considered, even remotely, a woman warrior. In my opinion more closely resemble the role of women played by Barbara de George A. Romero.

Then I will analyze the characteristics of the female characters and some scenes to justify that view. I must say that all women in the series appear driven by a man, playing different roles (father, husband ...) that guides them, protects them or tells them what to do.

So, Lori Grimes, (the wife of Rick, the protagonist of the series) shows us throughout the series in the role of mother. His only concern is to protect your child and traditionally female tasks such as making clothes, preparing food, etc..

also maintains a relationship, believing that Rick had died, with the best friend of his and colleague Shane Walsh. Thus, during the first chapters shows how this relationship develops affection with sex scene included (in which we see Lori in bra) and the role of protective father that takes Shane to her and her son. According to my interpretation, what we mean is that a woman with children to be alone and because of its fragility looking for a man to his side to protect her and her son. Proof of this is that once you discover that Rick is going to totally ignore vivo Shane, because it actually has no real feelings it was him but just looking at it the security that a man can make.

Then in the last chapter a disgruntled Shane Lori tries to rape. The rape scene, which ultimately is an attempt, meets many of the topics of why sexual assault and to some extent, is to justify the attitude of man. Thus, the scene is as follows: Lori walks with a long shirt and bare legs looking for a book on the shelf, then Shane appears that after drinking large quantities of alcohol will not ignore calls, and after a brief discussion, it was endorsed on it, Lori told me to leave and as Shane ignores him, scratched him in the face. After that, Lori was going. The next day I ask that Shane is the scratch and it says nothing. Lori goes to bed with Rick and begins to mourn but also tells you anything to her husband. So here we see as part of the blame rests on Lori, who besides teaching the legs walk, had had a previous relationship with Shane so in a way, is to justify his attitude with that he was drunk. This confirms the fact that Lori does not tell anything to her husband or anyone else because he knows that in some part to blame for having had the affair, although she believed that Rick was dead, Shane and this attitude is to some extent, a punishment for it. Shane

therefore adopted throughout the opening chapters position clear leader, with his trusty gun in hand, sharing this position with Rick later. Lori is due to both and only once, in the first chapter, try to impose their ideas. Thus he says that would be a good idea to put signs on the road from Atlanta to warn of the danger of coming to this city, which is taken by the zombies. Shane tells him not to go to what she replied "yes, sir" and goes mad. Shane goes after her and says he has to do for his son, who has already suffered rather, it comes to their senses and they kiss.

Well, this kind of scenes in which men are the protectors and women heroes are in charge of the family and the sentiment was repeated throughout the series.

The second female role to be analyzed is that of Andrea. We see for the first time in the second chapter and is presented as a tough girl even gets to point a gun to his head to Rick's first time seeing it. However, after Rick explains how to unlock the gun, and pointing to it latched. That is, we are introduced to the only woman who has a gun in the film as a real waste not knows, not even that to be drawn fire insurance.

Later in the chapter and because they were locked in a shopping center decided to look at the jewels around her and pick one you like while zombies were banging on the glass of the building to enter. This scene, I found an absolute frivolity, which shows us a woman concerned about her beauty and material things, even though the world ends and being surrounded by zombies. But, then decide to give her this jewel to his sister for her birthday. However, before we can give it to the camp in which they are suffering a zombie attack that his sister, Amy, died. Once dead, still clinging to it until it becomes a zombie to say how much he wants and feels everything that happened before giving a shot in the head. Therefore, it is attributed to the role of Andrea a great sentimentality, even to risk his life waiting for her sister and resurrected as a zombie to express his feelings for her.

In addition, Andrea and Amy weave a special relationship with Dale, the oldest man in the camp. It is a sort of father-daughter relationship. Thus, Dale will both states are the only thing I care about and, in the last chapter, convinces Andrea to the flared outside the shelter is going to explode, thus saving his life. That is, this man, in this case, Dale and the role of father, reprises the role of protector and necessary man for woman.

Meanwhile, Carol is a married woman with a young daughter. Her husband Ed mistreated. Thus, with women washing in the river slaps Carol, the other women start screaming and he is Shane, who saw the scene, hitting a number of punching and threatening him with death if he returns to play a his wife. Here again we see the protective action of man, in this case Shane, in the role of hero or savior who defends and takes abuse a woman who suffers from male violence. In my opinion, perhaps unintentionally, it conveys an idea that a woman who is abused can not leave it alone because it is not brave enough, but needs the support and drive of a man who comes to rescue. Jacky

finally plays a minor role. However, I would like to emphasize that it is the only or even remain in the shelter, along with the doctor, when it explodes because it gives up and believes that there is nothing else in the world and not worth fighting. That is, again attributed to the quality of cowardly woman.

I must also emphasize that women the series appear, always performing tasks traditionally considered feminine. For example, there are ironing, hanging the laundry, or washing clothes in the lake all together. The only activity "masculine" is displayed by fishing, Andrea and Amy, the two sisters. However, then explains that this is thanks to the teachings of his father who learned everything you need to fish.

For example, Carol manifestations twice in the same chapter that what he misses most is her washing machine. This is a message clearly sexist and retrograde, used also for a brand of washing machines in an ad makes enough decades in Spain, which urged women to ask her husband to buy her a washing machine that would be a good gift for her.

For these reasons, not only is there no female warriors in this series but those listed are relegated to second place with respect to men, playing the role of "woman", "mother", " daughter. " They were also attributed such qualities as sentiment, dependency or weakness. Also exploited the sexual side, in the case of Lori in a clear and are set to perform traditional female roles, ridiculing them if they choose to speak out or make some men (As in the case of Andrea who shoots with the weapon on safe).

Therefore, in this production of zombies has taken a step backwards with respect to the role of women in film in the stories of action, completely ignoring presentadonos for this role and a woman much closer to the Barbara A. Gerges Romero to Tom Savini Barbara.

The unfortunate role attributed by women seems particularly dangerous to be a show like this it has achieved in a short time worldwide acclaim (it was released in 120 countries) making it a clear product of popular culture which undoubtedly is a step backwards for the modern feminist movement for gender equality.

Are zombies considered persons?


if zombies are considered or not people in this production I must say that we are not given a clear answer but we are shown throughout the story two opposing positions.

However, the first thing I must say that the zombies are not treated with the cruelty with which they treat the final film in which Tom Savini are humiliated and used for the amusement of humans , thus making a fierce critic of capitalism, as text by Barry Keith Grant. We must also bear in mind that it is not intended to be a Ralat as critical as that of Tom Savini but at the end of the season the doctor is in the research center said the protagonists who though they tried to make progress in finding a cure to treat humans turned into zombies, the latter are not human as a person to die, the brain dies with her and all that remains are a kind of reflex actions. So, what is considered the human side of a person disappears. Apart from that, it seems to me a sort of justification at the end of the season to comfort the consciences of the characters, minus guilt and approving their action, ie a kind of assurance that the characters are good and the bad zombies, there are two different views when addressing the issue throughout the entire series.

On one side are the people like Rick, who believes that the zombies should be treated with some humanity and should be killed only in cases where it is necessary to ensure survival.

Another reason that is used to justify the death of a zombie is to end his suffering, if they are acquaintances. Thus, kills his partner Rick police transformed into a zombie, or kills his wife Morgan citing the same reason.

This is also expressed in the ritual followed by Rick, before dismembering a zombie. So, Rick outlines the plan to tear the body of a zombie to death with meat rub, which is sticking its smell and get out into the street which is full of zombies without being discovered and thus eaten. To do this, cut a zombie in pieces of meat. But before you proceed with this work out the portfolio, pick your cards and read aloud by reference to who he is, where he lived, what he did, and so on. That is, says a few words of remembrance as if it were a funeral. This same ritual is repeated when the zombies attack the camp, causing several deaths. It was decided to make two piles, one for burning composed of zombies to bury dead and another made up by people in the camp killed by zombies.

other hand, are Merle Daryl Dixon or that kill infected zombies considered dirty, even with the benefit of being able to kill them, and that at no time raised the possibility that people can continue to be zombies.

These two opposing positions are clearly displayed in a dialogue of chapter 4. The situation is that a person in the camp, Jim, is bitten by a zombie and do not know what to do with it, whether or attempt to kill him find a cure. The dialogue is as follows:

Daryl wants to kill him (Jim) of a shot or blow to the head

Shane: "Is that what you want if you were you? "

Daryl: " Yes, and would thank you as you did. "

Rick: "Jim is not a monster, or a dog with rabies (...) It is a sick man. If we start well, where do we draw the line? "


: "The limit is quite clear. Zero tolerance for walkers (zombies) or those who are becoming "

Rick: " And if we can get help? We did not kill the living. "

So here we clearly see two different concepts of where a person ceases to be a person and go on to become zombies. To Daryl person is no longer the same time receiving a bite from a zombie. For Rick longer a person at the time it dies. A zombie, by therefore not a person.

In summary, although the zombies are not strictly considered persons on any of the characters in the series, confirmed this theory in the end with the doctor's explanation, if we can observe two very different ways to treat them (as a sort of monster or some compassion or sensitivity). In addition, laboratories attempted to find a cure for them and it seems that left open the possibility that in subsequent seasons of the show can continue on this path, even though the doctor says he believes that there is no laboratory running in the rest of the world.

As a conclusion I must say that while the series generated high expectations, I was very disappointed I offered the role of women within it. Perhaps I expected a woman's role more like that played by Kate on Lost, which although is constantly involved in romantic plots, at least actively involved in the action scenes. However, the dualistic approach of treating the characters as if I think it right to generate discussion of what we consider people and when it ceases to be.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Does Boats Float Higher In Salt

Machismo in Hip Hop culture

KEYBOARD GUEST: Javier Regueiro López

In my work I analyze what is the role played by women in hip hop culture a culture in which female participation is minimal in relation to man and a culture that is considered somewhat sexist.

Before starting to analyze the participation of women in hip hop culture at the present time there to talk about the origin of this culture can be one of the reasons for this low representation of women as they is a culture that emerged in the U.S. and in the poorest neighborhoods in some cities between an atmosphere of violence and always very connected to life on the street. These facets of which I have spoken: the street life and violence are always associated with the lifestyle of man and the woman who traditionally arises when this culture is still considered that their place is at home, not in the street. This culture is also characterized by competition, a feature that at that moment that raises the hip hop, not associated with the female character but is rather characteristic of man. So various artists compete through music to portray themselves as the most inventive, challenging and insulting reaching into his songs. On many occasions, the rivalry has even transcended beyond music and has led to street clashes in the deaths.

All this may is the foundation from the beginning that the woman had a minimal presence in the hip hop scene and explain the sexism that off the lyrics of the songs. However, over the years have been coming female artists and also within the public has increased in many women's track, which, however, has not prevented further maintained through songs a rather 'macho' role of women in society.

the above, the hip hop comes to Spain in the eighties and from the first time the presence of women in this culture is marginal and, yet, despite a culture that over the years is evolving enormously and spread throughout the nineties, mainly among young people in the cities, women still have a minimal presence. Maybe after the new century started to appear female hip hop artists in the music scene to bring a new point of view and will assert the role of women in this culture as male.

Even with all, although it appears that women now begin to enter more in this culture is still overwhelmingly male and in the lyrics of the songs we can keep watching this machismo we will discuss later.

Of the various manifestations in which it operates this culture I will focus on the musical, perhaps the main manifestation of the same and where we are best able to analyze this sexism.

must also say that within the hip hop can be framed a lot of musical styles (rap, reggae, reggeton, funk, etc..) And not all the way to treat the female figure or involved is the same. Therefore I will differentiate the rap style that is more representative of this culture, and Reggaeton, a style that has recently appeared in the English scene and has quickly achieved a great success.



As I said in introducing today the presence of women in rap has increased dramatically in recent years, both among artists and among the public. Thus we find female artists who enjoy great success as Arianna Puello, La Mala Rodriguez, etc. and have a large number of both male and female followers. These artists, among others, seeking to escape the sexism in his lyrics and defending the role of women, both within the hip hop and in life in general. Sometimes even we can see in some of his lyrics and take a position that could be described as "feminist" thus equating the modus operandi of male artists and claiming the role of women, both within the hip hop culture and society, and criticizing the sexism of other hip hop artists.

must also say that have recently emerged female hip hop festival with the intention of fighting against sexism in this culture and given the opportunity to act on female artists who do not enjoy the same follow-up than men even when music is of higher quality.

However, I must say that the most representative artists of the rap scene in our country clearly remains men and, except for some isolated case of an artist in which difficult, in general, within the songs of most artists, it's easy to find sexist manifestations mostly focused on the treatment of women as sexual objects that we observe in songs Violadores del verso tote king and that maybe it group and artist respectively, the most representative and successful both critically and sales at the scene of our country. As an example we can cite very clearly songs where women are treated as a mere sexual object as "Come" Tote king or "want" Violadores del verso. You can say that, in general, most of his music is that consideration of women as sexual objects of desire above any other facet that women can exercise.

Women reggaeton

Reggaeton is a musical style that can be framed within hip hop, which has recently burst onto the music scene of our country reached immediately a great success among the young in general, even beyond fans of hip hop culture, and settling as a typical music of the local nightlife.

is a type of music in examples of sexism left over songs where women are treated as mere sex objects and in many cases men are encouraged to treat women badly, not to mention the music videos that make many of the singers in this genre where scantily clad women abound flattering to her charms to the musician, or the "perreo" a kind of dance that is associated with this music with a highly erotic and sexual.

The success that has the reggaeton in the nightlife I find worthy of analysis because it is a type of music which a priori is far from what traditionally had success in these places, however, it is now one of the styles greater presence in places where young people go. Perhaps the fact that the lyrics of this music promote sex, alcohol and dancing which is perfectly suited to that environment. Or maybe what happens is that this is music made to sound in that environment, an environment in my view very frivolous and sexist where the roles of men and women are stereotyped and where sex appeal is the dominant element. This may lead to think that maybe this is what causes that machismo is used in the lyrics and the songs of reggaeton because the environment for to made is sexism, knowing well in advance that in such premises will obtain such .

In conclusion I believe that hip hop is still a very patriarchal culture, however, is generally a male dominated culture does not mean that all artists and fans they are, not all songs. What also happens is that, traditionally, if he has been a macho culture and the artists that appear on the scene, of course, taken as a benchmark to begin developing their lyrics and music artists before causing many cases, in addition to assimilate the music, it will echo that sexism.

However, as I said earlier, women are increasingly taking a stake more and more prevalent in this culture and trying to lay claim to equal treatment of men and denounce the sexism. Apart from that you can also find many male artists aware of avoiding that sexism to try to clean the macho image of hip hop.

However, a different case is the reggaeton music in which women are used as sex objects in most songs and built by default for a macho environment. And it looks like a style that can not be construed otherwise than treating women as sex objects.

also curious how successful they are the female reggaeton in the audience because, unlike rap, which has a predominantly male audience, in the case of reggaeton, even in the case of a clearly sexist and music which is usually treated women as sexual objects, has a large following among the female audience. So, in my view, in many cases the very basis of the existence of that machismo in this music as in other cultural manifestations of any kind can be found, to some extent in certain sectors of society remain less macho or sexist expressions assume no discomfort, and are willing to buy products with sexist content as if the consumer does not agree to them probably would not occur discs with such content. This seems fundamental to me and is something against which we should conscientiously to change.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Professional Hr Generalist Cover Letter

Snuff Movies: torture, murder and rape in the movies and on network

With this post I begin distributing some of the work done over the course of philosophy of law which has just ended. Are only a small and varied sample of their work.


Michela Marzano Italian philosopher in the book "Death as spectacle" a study on violent images circulating on the internet, questioning whether the thousands of viewers consider the views of an information source or intrigue to death live, if you really must allow accessibility, as this leads to indifference.

Try the subject of snuff films, which classifies as secret, of restricted public, which paid large sums of money and collect the humiliation, suffering and real death. We can speak of an evolution of rumors began to circulate about these films in the seventies to the present situation, and that the author collected in this trial, denouncing indifference to the suffering of others, which is a consequence of the return to human sacrifice.

Joseph Horman (police sergeant from New York) in 1975 spoke of the existence of clandestine films in rolls of 8 mm. The New York Post and the Daily News sought the FBI's investigation of those tapes. In police records were found films showing rape and actual deaths by serial murderers. However his aim was not broadcast or trade, so can not be considered true Snuff. the film industry begins to address the issue in such films as Hardcore (1979), Videodrome (1982), Thesis (1996) and Murder in eight millimeters (1999).

start out in internet poor quality videos that show abuse, rape and murder real, the abuse and killings of civilians in Chechnya in 2000, the execution of Saddam Hussein (2006), etc. The problem is the show made some of those videos, whose goal is not information (such as images taken by reporters) but the entertainment, amusement causing those visions.

Surge in England in 2004 a new social phenomenon called "happy slapping "(" Happy slapping "), which consists of assaulting a person while another filmed with a camera or mobile phone, then spread on the Internet with the aim of such a situation, which seeks to humiliate the person, serve as entertainment.

This exposes the author is the current situation, has made a show about these videos, which are admired, entertainment (Marzano refers to the similarity of this "reality horror" to the Roman Circus and public executions of the Middle Ages, who moved multitudes) or complete and utter indifference. Towards the end of the book, Michela concludes that "watch torture or murder of someone live can destabilize, disgust, remain indifferent, exciting, but in no case report on the reality "should be discussed with explicit images of events but not lead to the show, and censorship is not the answer but make the public understand that these images are not information, I will analyze later.

The Snuff Movies are rated movies, led to its illegal marketing, showing torture and all sorts of harassment and end with the actual death of the victim. They are associated with satanic rituals, pedophile rings but above all, to millionaires who pay them large sums of money. is impossible to find real examples of snuff movies by their marginal distribution. It is said that the protagonist is sometimes kidnapped, sometimes, it is a sadomasochistic film in which she took part voluntarily, without knowing it will end up being killed. For places where they allegedly filmed some say that in South American jungles, beaches in Thailand, at the residence of a wealthy businessman in El Paso on the border between Mexico and the United States ... is still discussing its existence, having those who claim to be an invention to withdraw cash. Anyway, in 1980 Al Goldstein (director of Screw magazine) offered $ 250,000 a few years ago, Frank Henenlautter (hardcore film director) one million, who showed him a real snuff and nobody showed up.

is fueling the belief in them for different events, such as the Italian police dismantled a gang that tortured children in Moscow and then sold the pictures, The Times, in 1990 after an investigation reported that police had evidence murders of Mexican immigrants to snuff films. Among history of snuff, is a 74 year tape shown in some theaters in New York, with the title "Snuff" which was said to have actual crime scenes. To promote it used the phrase "shot in South America, where life is cheap." It is from here when you become interested and morbidity for this type of film.

the serial murderer David Berkowitz said he filmed the murder of Stacy Moskowitz in Brooklyn, in the year 77, to sell the tape to a porn aficionado employer. There are lots of cases, declared false by the FBI and other police agencies. Anyway, I refer to what was said by Joel Schumacher (who also collects Marzano in his book), "we would not only never see such films, but in the deepest part of ourselves, we pray that does not actually exist ... "and Hardcore director Paul Schrader" ... there may be, but whether or not is less important the belief that people in his life, it is the will to believe in an evil fantasy. That makes the interesting myth "have therefore attracted the interest of the people, and many TV series, manga comics and films deal with the issue, including:

-" Peeping Tom " ( 1959) by Michael Powell, serves as a precedent for other (and according to some, to the real), a psychopath it captures the faces of their victims (very beautiful women) when they are dying.

- "Hardcore" (1979) by Paul Schrader, is a parent searching for his missing daughter, which in the end manages to rescue the world of porn in which he had entered voluntarily, and take it home, but not before witnessing a snuff movie in which killed 2 people (not very aggressive, unlike those in later films, as there is no torture).

- "Videodrome" (1982) by David Cronenberg, in it, the protagonist discovers that sadomasochistic pornography addition, a cable television channel aired snuff films.

- "Thesis" (1996) by Alejandro Amenabar, tracks Angela (Ana Torrent) discovers when searching for information for her thesis on violence in the audiovisual media, her supervisor dies after watching a film , which was a snuff film in which teenagers murdered and tortured, being involved a teacher and a student (a little psycho).

- "Murder in eight millimeters" (1999) by Joel Schumacher, the protagonist is a private detective (Nicolas Cage), who investigates a movie found in the safe of a deceased millionaire, which tortured and finally killed a girl, at the end of the film was found to be responsible for the deceased, in exchange for a lot of money .

- "The Chamber of Secrets" (2002) by Marc Evans, the film begins with an Internet ad seeking participants for a Big Brother airs on the Internet, but end up discovering that the selected really it is a snuff movie, in which they are the victims.

à "A serbian film" (2010), Srdjan Spasojevic and censorship .

The protagonist is Milosh, who has been a major figure in the Serbian porn, going through a bad economic situation, having to participate in movies (porn) of little importance to make money. He is married with a young son. A former colleague puts you in touch with Vukmir, who wants to hire him for a porn movie that defined the experimental and artistic, without giving further references. Milosh end up accepting the offer, and began a shooting a Therefore particular, that fuels the mistrust of the protagonist (he does not want to make any kind of torture, much less work with minors). When you decide to end their participation in the film (it does not change its decision despite his conversation with Vukmir, who shows him a tape of a sexual intercourse with a newborn, which he defines as "a new genre") is high with aphrodisiac for livestock, and ends by the depraved orders Vukmir (torture, rape, murder, pedophilia, etc).

is a controversial movie, especially the images of incest and pedophilia, has become a symbol freedom of expression, and therefore received the Special Jury Award at the "XXI Fantasy Film Festival Horror and San Sebastian" (which he could not projected to incur for the alleged crime against sexual freedom).

However I do not understand this censorship, for as stated Nacho Vigalondo "representation of a crime can never be comparable to the crime itself." It is a hard film, provocative scenes that impact, but it is still fiction. In addition it provides a feeling of revulsion not only unpleasant pictures also by the fact that makes a person who also you are depraved, but made for being under the influence of drugs. This allows the viewer to reflect on issues such as pedophilia, torture and rape, which are a reality today, of course the film does not leave anyone indifferent (also shows intercourse with corpses).

discussed in many forums that the prohibitions of which is under the film is an example of intolerance, a violation of the right to free speech, etc, and actually I think so, then perhaps the problem is not the subjects covered, but it is too explicit, but not be censored, should be given the option of an adult see it or not, and draw their own conclusions.

The phenomenon of censorship arises in the first third of the twentieth century, when various religious and neighborhood associations began for protests over the content of the films, considering that caused a negative influence on young people being supported citizenship, which led to recall the entire film deemed offensive material. This phenomenon affected for years to draft the film, including European ones, which are encouraged with financial support for a content control. But censorship is usually done to the film already made, prohibiting publication or in many cases eliminating scenes that could not be in a particular country, for its moral content, political or religious (in our case, Franco's censors.)

In his essay, the philosopher Michela Marzano, to address the issue of videos with actual violence and murder around the net, he concludes that censorship is not the solution (a position I share), to be aware of people, for full viewing these videos not supposed to be informed, because if in this case, censorship is not viable, let alone a performance. There is nothing wrong with a movie that is shown making critical respect to these actions (and the critical end pursues its director), the bad is to see actual videos whose purpose is precisely to encourage the behaviors listed above and still show some unfiltered actual suffering or humiliation of the people, and even deprivation of life. Censorship only causes more interest, more important and gives publicity to the movie (or video), and censorship has not prevented the spread of film on the Internet.

The problem with this type of film is not intended to convey the message, not the facts they collect themselves (pedophilia, incest, rape, torture ...), they are real issues but staged, the problem are the explicit images, but the display should be a decision of potential viewers, like in other movies, you can not "silence" to the directors.