Unha obrigada: March 8
GUEST: NICOLE PEREZ (Student of History and Theory of Human Rights).
As every year, or the 8th of March is obrigada unha commemoration dates.
This is a time of universal celebration, above all, is, and so should be a day of strong social demand.
this date, when we commemorate the International Women's Day, we remember the work done by our precusoras as well as some of the facts justifying the choice of this day.
this point it is appropriate to perform a brief discussion by the story of the pursuit of our rights as well as a short pass in the major feminists of the twentieth century, including major importance acquire the work and struggles of communist and socialist activists; despite the attempt of Western historiography by deleting references the historical as too linked to the communist cause.
However, the fact is that the Russian Revolution solidified the date of March 8 as International Women's Day and years later the date, the UN adopted a resolution in the year 1977.
is no doubt that the early struggle for women's rights, enmarcábanse in the context of the early labor movement, where gender differences agudizáronse deeply.
this context it should be noted as the main reference for the communist German Clara Zetkin, unquestionable feminist S.XX.
Early on, the main complaints revolved through the recognition of rights Political (recognition of women's suffrage) and Labor Rights (right to non discrimination in employment and improvements in working conditions).
The feminist of the early twentieth century, enfréntaronse against working conditions poor, continued activities discriminatory, few economic, political, social ...
segregation of the labor market, for example, is a question that, to date, remains unresolved . There are still jobs for men and women for jobs, salaries and wages for men and women. For more
to say that greatly increased the incorporation of women into the labor market, the truth is that this is still segregated as in the early twentieth century. Here
aprezando as the activity rate of women varies Londo's life cycle in a very charged. The maximum activity of women is vital to the period prior to motherhood, while women with more than 50-55 years are a reflection of an era of low occupational status.
On the other hand is also significant that this day in Galicia, the majority of part-time contracts are suscriptos with women, not to mention also the unpaid labor.
According to several studies that the unpaid work of women is included in GDP, outorgándolle every hour of work value through paid employment, GDP would increase by over 90%.
this sense it is appropriate to remember that we need men and women share equal responsibilities in order for unpaid work.
Status of Women Galician
According to data from January 2010 to own Secretariat of Labor and Welfare of the Xunta de Galicia and still today there are 231,628 unemployed people of whom more than half (124,015) are women. These overall numbers of unemployed almost 25% are under 30 years (54 100) and girls are a lot destacabel slice.
Moreover, the crisis is also known to cause a deterioration in already, itself negative working conditions of women.
working conditions among young people follow without being the same as for decades, both the wage level, because the average wage for young people and almost 200 € less than the young people who have a work of equal value, such as contractual, because in most cases situámonos in jobs through the work or service or a temporary (entering on average 35% less than the indefinite contracts).
Moreover, another significant finding is that girls come to Galicia to double in number to unemployed men seeking their first job.
Given all these, which highlight the need to work hard in pursuit of correcting those imbalances, which show that, even today equality is far from real.
Before concluding, I wish to recall the figure of Rosalía de Castro, which this year will meet 125 years of his passing and that certainly was one of the greatest exponents of feminism in the Galicia Séxulo XIX.
Rosalía, as founder of modern Galician literature, has focused many of his verses in the complaint of the status of women over Kale humildes.Neste poem we can see an example.
Rosalía de Castro (Cantares gallegos)
-talk as an abogado, and would think
that emerges in the books so
Vares palabras,
todino so well spoken,
todino so understood;
and it scared me puñeches
already here had not gone
without taking holy-written
and medalliñas blessed
on one side of my xustillo,
near a black fig,
to deliver me out Witches and over
lurpias weeds. What
-free herself,
asks God, girl, what are we to
the most lurpias enemigos. But
already been
night with its mantle of star, has gathered cattle
pastaba that the curtain;
far as the bells ring, ring
the Hail Mary;
each seam their burrows,
light light strip, which is bad companion
if the partner is bound.
But, alas, I did not have holes or hole
no ceiling I CRUB
the winds of the cold night. What
lives of the poor girl!
What a life! How bitter life!
But the Lord was poor, ¡
that this relief will suit us! ¿
really changed the view of women portrayed by Rosalia?
In conclusion, it can be seen in this brief review after the origins of the March 8 is that after a long journey of nearly 100 years our demands remain the same: nas equalities laborais delivery conditions, no access to Traballo postos years, Mellor na salariais search etc. ..
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