Sunday, January 24, 2010

Front Knee Pain More Condition_symptoms


Article published by Juan Lara, which analyzed some points of spinning and road bike or mountain bike. Perhaps in some things we disagree but generally the analysis is quite good.

For those thinking about getting in shape based on the pedal stroke can be interesting two options: the base gym spinning or outdoors with the bike road or mountain . Both have benefits but in different ways, both and then analyze each decision.

Regarding motivation spinning activity which may be more engage because it is a group class, there's music and turns into a fun routine to go to class and be with the group. With mountain biking or cycling the same thing can happen, but it is more difficult to stay with a group often to leave, limited to weekends and some more. 1-0 for the spinning.

The spinning class is open to and if the gym is bad ventilation breathing is difficult. Which does not happen with the bike, with plenty of fresh air and scenery. From this point of view wins out with the bike long. 1-1, tie. The spinning

, being a stationary bike can work the rest of muscle groups (arms, abs), alone or as is more common, while pedaling. With conventional bike as much work some arms if left with the mountain bike and the terrain is very technical, but all work is focused on the legs. 2-1 for the spinning.

For people with less initiated and level about one hour ride is usually a little tired and stop in a spinning class usually give some cutting class often becomes too hard (although it depends on the monitor). With your bike on the road or field downs become rest periods that make us recover and activity more bearable. 2-2, tie.

out with the bike is often dangerous, especially if you live in town. Punctures and the road cars are also there and falls with the mountain bike is no nonsense. In the kind of spinning the most that can happen is to give you a cramp, but we're sure that nobody is going to run or we're going to fall. Spinning wins 3-2.

A spinning class can be punished very badly put the knees with hyperflexion movements with high intensity as you pedal. Be very careful also with the free pedaling resistance (the typical "butt") because the uncontrolled hyperextension punish the knee.

By bike it is the same but when you place your foot on the pedal. A bad placement of the cove with excess internal or external rotation makes pedaling pedaling after knee suffer. The case of hyperflexion or hyperextension is less common here because placing the correct saddle height will be no problem. We 3-2.

If you want to work aerobic bike pure and simple is the best because the average output pulse of a bike (quiet), often right in the optimal aerobic.

In general the trend that usually have spinning classes in the average pulse rate jumps to the area Anaerobic , so neglected that aerobic and fat burning component is usually sought. 3-3, in another tie.

On the contrary, if we want to tone your legs , although both options are valid on spinning more emphasis because the high intensity periods of a class are more frequent and different positions on the bike make the muscle work differently under heavy loads.

The road or mountain bike unless you do a sprint or go up a steep drive, the legs make it a work force of resistance. So if you want to increase muscle mass in the legs spinning achieves higher measure. 4-3 for the spinning.

And to end talk of economy (which in times of crisis ...). Obviously spinning to be paid instead to take the bike just enfundarte costume and enjoy free outdoor sports. Okay, you have to pay the bike, but in the long run more profitable exits. 4-4, tie. Having regard to the analysis

I think we can say that they are 2 different ways but complementary to perfection. In the middle is virtue. Spinning classes give you a few things and hanging out with other bike. And you who you are? Source


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