Friday, March 12, 2010

Orlando Sandals For Pedicure

end Nazism and the Holocaust in film data

Keyboard guest today is Angel Rodríguez Escribano, students who earned an honors last semester in the subject History and Theory of Human Rights .


When Professor Dr. D. Pablo Raul Bonorino commissioned us as the last task of the Human Rights Course, the development of a brief study on the vision they have shown the world of cinema on Nazism and the Holocaust, I thought of preparing an ambitious work that best meet criticisms and comments on the subject. However, given the difficulty of writing something original and "fresh" on a subject as hackneyed and recurrent minimally decided to try writing something original, or at least something "own." For this reason I have omitted to consult a lot of literature and the work that I offer for consideration by the Professor is a simple written an important study not the result of scholarly research.

This work covers all the films that have been planned under the Human Rights course although I have considered of interest to add some more film references to movies that touch the same theme, so give the work a more comprehensive view and depth.


"The experiment "is a German film of 2001 that was inspired by the famous experiment by Philip Zimbardo concluded in the Stanford mock prison in 1971.

In this movie the action is set in present time while there is some reference to Nazism. In particular there is a time when the leader of the guards, Berus, is accused of being a "Nazi." The insult "Nazi" is almost the worst thing you can charge a person who exercises authority it reverts to the idea of \u200b\u200barbitrary power, cruel and utterly inhumane. Today is treated the term "Nazi" to a grave insult, and when a person qualifies and can be considered a serious injury, such is the image of Nazism that is left to posterity.

can also speculate that Dr. Klaus, the eminent scientist who leads the whole experiment is a kind of transcript, relatively speaking, of Dr. Mengele of Nazism, as both share an interest in "unhealthy" by science regardless of the means used to make a success of their research.


"The Wave" as seen at the time this is a film that updates Germany, 2008, placing it at present, the experiment carried out by an American professor was proposed in 1967 show his students that was possible the return of an authoritarian regime like the Nazis and also that would be accepted willingly.

Professor who takes the initiative of the experiment in this movie tries to teach his students that what happened in Germany is not a black and white film and overcome, but it could happen again. Young students contemplate the Nazis as a story that appears in textbooks (we are in 2008 in the film and the Third Reich surrendered in 1945) and the work of Professor is to show that certain concepts of authoritarianism are still very alive and can re-edited and renewed reappear under another name.

"The Wave" is a film whose message could transcendent be interpreted as follows: Nazism was something that happened, and if we do not learn the lesson that history gives us, we are doomed to repeat it, even despite being fully convinced that this can not happen.

This argument is reflected in the film and the emergence of the youth movement "The Wave" that the professor has to stop canceling so traumatic events may seem extremely difficult and unlikely to happen. But a few years ago we saw how the resurgent far right in Austria strongly united under the person of the politician Jorg Haider, a clear character of a totalitarian bent close to Nazism. At that time many people put her hands to the head, but the truth is that it was Haider who earned his position of power and influence through weapons but through word and were Austrian citizens who gave the political leadership with their votes.

course would not be easy the emergence of a new Nazism, but we should not be so naive as to think that the Nazis back in the same form and with the same symbols. The new Nazism is hidden, of course, under democratic forms and use the political system in the same way that an insect that makes the metamorphosis and ends up in another different way of life.

Teaching "The Wave" is there and as always the Nazis used as a perfect mirror of the enemy. If you had to choose a villain, someone so evil that he did not admit a greater evil, not seek to Darth Vader or Nodoyuna Pier, but Hitler, Goebbels or Himmler. The real threat is to return the Nazis, but to return any form of government, has the form that has to repeal the rights of citizens and govern according to the dictates of a powerful minority or a charismatic personality. From this point of view, as may be the return of a new Nazism as a new totalitarian communism or a dictatorship like the English caudillo.


"The Grey Zone" is a painful spectacle film that tries to recreate on film the Holocaust in its horrific detail: the process of gassing and incineration of bodies in the vast crematoria facilities in the camps and Auschwitz - Birkenau.

This film chronicles the Sonderkommando revolt and a main story is mixed with a small plot of a young girl who is rescued still alive from the gas chamber. That girl managed to unite all the prisoners who seek to protect and save his life above everything. The last scene of the film, when the girl is shot dead by the Nazi camp commander, reminded me of that terrible sentence of the Auschwitz survivor, Libusa Breden: "There was God in Auschwitz. The conditions were so bad that God decided not to go. "

The end of the film is a perfect definition of the Nazis: Nazism is not an ideological basis. Consists of remaining in power by force of a group of people engaged in a corrupt to do his will by any means, and no honor, no ethics or humanity. All the efforts of prisoners to save the life of the poor girl ends in killing it. No output. Everyone dies. If there is a God, if there was another life with God that they could still worth so much suffering. But since there is neither God nor is there a better world, the Nazis stole the most valuable prisoners they had: their lives. Breden Libusa was right: God was not there to make it safely to the girl. And if God exists, then everything would be consenting. So some Jews believed that the Holocaust could be a punishment from God. The film

the Sonderkommando men looking for ways to survive by participating in the Holocaust as collaborators with the Nazis, but in such circumstances that without such cooperation, would have died much earlier. They are forced to work and are forced to continue to do so if they want to stay alive. Eventually plan a revolt, but it gets out of hand and everything ends up going wrong even with heroic acts by many of them, the Nazis end up having a great setback.

first thing one may wonder at such horror is whether it was necessary to make a film as dreadfully realistic. The answer has to be positive with nuances. It is clear, first, that a movie like this can not aspire to be very popular because people do not want to go to see horror movies like this, let alone a weekend. The main problem with this film is its profitability. And here we encounter the first obstacle that we must discuss: the criticism that some people do, arguing that when shooting these films is because the "Jewish lobby", or some powerful Jewish elite influences the film industry that these films are made.

know that the Third Reich was used to fund defaming the entire Jewish people as possible, even to create a Ministry of Propaganda, led by the ruthless disciple of Hitler, Joseph Goebbels. From that privileged platform, the Nazi government released all sorts of lies, fabrications, and lies about the Jewish people, who came to pay the traditional anti-Semitism of the German population.

most important Lie, the fallacy unsustainable, is this: the Jewish people is so powerful that it influences the film industry to remember the Holocaust. If we accept this statement in its fullness, then we should question why the Jewish people, being so immensely powerful, was not able to persuade the Nazis to liberate Jews from Auschwitz and other camps, or why the Jewish people was not able to convince the allies to accept the deal proposed by Eichmann (one million Jews) or the bombing of railway lines catering to the concentration camps and extermination of new victims.

The first falsehood, deceit, lie a thousand times repeated by the Nazis and that we should reject out of hand, is precisely that. The Jewish people is not a country immensely rich, powerful and able to crush any will, as has been amply demonstrated, when the Jewish people themselves suffered the Holocaust.

A power so immense, so powerful lobby, logically would have succeeded in corrupting the greedy and avaricious Nazis. And also so powerful a people have managed to convince many countries to host the Jewish deportees, and those Jews would have been well received with open arms just as you would receive a billionaire who comes to spend his fortune in our people and create jobs.

The reality is that the Jewish people is not that powerful elite the existence of which some are saying. It is true that the Jew is a town that tends to unite on the basis of the same religion, but that it could be attributed to international freemasonry, freemasonry, or even Catholicism, with hundreds of millions of faithful around the world. If all Catholics were placed under the orders of the Vatican what force more powerful than the Catholic Church would be in the world?

therefore affirm the filming of movies like "The Grey Zone" is absolutely necessary. Very necessary. What happened to the Jewish people is not something that should be relegated to history books and then we can ignore the list of Gothic kings. It was a crucial historical fact that marked the world. All the millions of people who died in concentration camps and extermination can not be overlooked under the pretext that some Jews want powerful influence in the world recalling its recent history. Do not forget that Christianity begins just after the death of one person, Jesus. The death takes on a transcendental for believers and gives rise to a real religion that has lasted until today.

The death of more than 6 million Jews has led to a religion. No religion in his name or crosses recalling his suffering. But there are new generations of people committed human rights who are determined to prevent at all costs that this horror return, and the first step to prevent it, is it known, even if it hurts. For any approach to the Holocaust, even through the form of a film, it is always emotional cost.


"The Reader" is a film which is set between 1955 and 1965 in West Germany before reunification. It tells the story of Hannah, a member of the SS and the guardian of a concentration camp during World War II and now accused of serious crimes with the connivance of his companions, who, lying and distorting the facts, decide to divert blame it serious responsibilities.

In "The Reader" focuses on character, Michael, comes to feel a certain intellectual contempt or rejection of Hannah for what she did or is accused of having done, despite knowing that Hannah could not have ever been responsible for total made by his illiteracy. Germany opposes a "democratic" radically rejects Nazism, the recent past of Nazism. It is a similar situation that occurred in Spain when they went from a monarchy to a republic: "Spain has slept monarchical and republican has risen." This left Germany Nazism condemned internationally, and embrace democracy. The old characters are now rejected Nazism, applauded their actions before are now identified as inhumane, and Hannah is a victim of a system willing to condemn them as scapegoats to characters of the Nazi regime.

whole work "The Reader" and the film is an indictment of its author Bernhard Schlink, on summary judgments and sometimes incomplete and of questionable legality that took place in Germany at that time and sought exemplary punishment to the People who thought their country was a few years prestigious German citizens.

So, Hannah happens to be a member of the dreaded SS to convict for serious crimes, although condemned by much more than his share. The Tribunal is characterized as a mediated body, which already had the decision, and who have no interest nor care about the truth but to find a culprit on which to download the exemplary punishment to be sent to the newspapers as an example of what Democrats are all .

At one point in the film one of the partners Michael School Professor reproaches he also saw the Nazis and many other adults lived that system and now everything seems to deny it and look away. It is alleged the falsity of society.


film Costa-Gavras' "Amen" reminds the military historical figure of SS Kurt Gerstein, who tried to stop the Holocaust. Puts it in its historical context, and mix it with the story of a priest named Riccardo, who unreservedly support Kurt Gerstein and eventually die at the hands of the Nazis in Auschwitz.

In "Amen" is intended to present an image of Germany that collaborates enthusiastically with the Nazis, believing they are winning the war (which is not true) and even believing in the existence of a "secret weapon" to save to Germany's surrender. There are initial extermination became of the sick and the mentally handicapped and the Germans stopped when they heard, and is openly criticized the position of the Catholic Church and the German Evangelical Church against the racist policy of the Third Reich.

images which are seen leaving truckloads of young people who are singing happy songs, and head to the front. And they are also people who resist knowing Nazism and its horrors, trying to help stop the Holocaust (the "Confessing Church" to which he belongs Kurt Gerstein).

The film suffers from some bias in the sense that you want to submit to Kurt Gerstein as a person fully convinced of the "evil" of the Third Reich, to the extent that scolds his young son by saluting the Führer. In reality I do not think that Kurt Gerstein was so vehement in their rejection of the Third Reich, it was ultimately the political system he had known since his youth. But I admit that during his life was evolving and understanding the scope and authoritative negative Nazism was taking up to personal conviction, at the end of the film, to be delivered and tell everything he knew by way of personal redemption by own responsibility in the crimes, knowing, was unable to prevent by force majeure.

If one considers the character of Kurt Gerstein with historical hindsight it is difficult to blame anything. He did everything that was in his hand and took every opportunity he could to raise awareness of the Holocaust and trying to stop it. We may never know the positive impact of the information provided Gerstein all diplomacy with those contacted (including the Swede who saved thousands of Jews), but we can agree that it would have been much easier to exploit their status as member of the SS to escape from Germany taking his family and hide in a neutral country like Switzerland, instead of staying in Germany, facing the Holocaust and finish by the Allies information voluntarily, knowing that would be considered a war criminal.

The title of the film "Amen" is an enigma that each solve their own way. My personal theory is that Costa-Gavras titled "Amen" to this film because "Amen" is the word that ends every sentence, meaning "so be it" or "well done."

If you want God, I thought the priest Riccardo, is that the people being killed, "Amen." Nothing can oppose the will of God, therefore I sacrifice myself, think Riccardo. Moreover

Kurt Gerstein had been animated by the belief that finally achieved stop the Holocaust. After the war he decided to give, tell everything you know about it, and in some ways, is abandoned to the will of God, Amen: I did what I could and now I have no desire to do anything else because nobody listens.

"Amen" would be like a kind of living will of two people who gave their all for the lives of many other human beings without being able to save them. A desperate cry of pity and horror filled with resignation, who know they can not prevent events which are too big and powerful to change.


In "night porter" We have a number of former officers of the Third Reich that have been recycled to various professionals in civilian life, with our hero in charge of a hotel.

There he meets a woman who was his prisoner and who underwent humiliating practices. The woman feels a fascination for him and start a relationship somewhat special type sadomasochistic.

This film portrays post-war German society in which there were many former German officers, including the SS, who maintained contact and a certain camaraderie that went beyond friendship. They also maintain contact with each other fear, to prevent a member of the language go and tell what he did or did others during the war. There is a sort of secret plot, an unwritten agreement, under which a watch over others, but not for companionship but for fear of being discovered her past and end in a courtroom. This is precisely the excuse of the colleagues of the "night watchman" to end his life and his lover, the former Jewish prisoner: silence them forever.

This is a rather strange film, shot with a precious aesthetic taste, which scandalized at the time by the evil approach of the plot, but which is still impressed by the dramatic force of the story told in it. The "night watchman" acts as a sort of modern Marquis de Sade to tortured prisoner gets his wish to return with him. It is clear that this kind of sadomasochistic practices exist now and have always existed, but not very edifying, as it is understood, and here come the critics, who tell a story from a former Nazi sadomasochistic and a former Jewish prisoner.

Former Nazis in the movie always act motivated by the fear that his previous record is discovered and they are required responsibilities. Nazism is seen as something past but remains in the form of secret societies that share responsibility criminals such as these men who meet with the night porter.

The Holocaust is not seen in the film in a clear although it is clear that the protagonist had to make many abuse in people of Jewish prisoners because of their particular mental or sexual deviations, as a result of which met the Jewish woman.


This German film actor Bruno Gantz gives life to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler in the last days before the German capitulation in front of the Russian Army in Berlin. The absolute star of the film is Hitler and his paranoia, cruel, authoritarian and despotic.

War with the allies already completely lost while Hitler remains confident, confined to his bunker, there are still enough military forces to suppress or even repel enemy attacks. His generals know the truth and have to convey bad news. Hitler ends by recognizing their failure, and committed suicide with Eva Braun shortly after marrying her. Joseph Goebbels also decides to take his life with his wife and children. But Hitler's bunker escaped with his life Hitler's secretary and others close to the Führer. Will survive and tell what they saw. The facts related by this story.

Throughout the whole film there is no mention especially the Jews or the Holocaust but in the end of it, Traudl Jungle, the real Hitler's secretary, in an interview filmed file before his death, said he never had knowledge of the Holocaust at the time and regrets that those horrible events it was a revelation. What is not surprising since we know everything about the "Final Solution" was orchestrated by Himmler and the SS in strict secrecy and by verbal command. It was all an act of state by way of fact, truly brutal.

"Downfall" is a film that requires an entire afternoon or evening to be enjoyed fully. I have seen this film three times. The first two focused my attention on the character of Hitler. The last time I saw, however, warned that the film conveyed much more than they had captured to date through various historical secondary characters whose fate was uneven after the end of the war. On these characters make a few brief comments.

is no doubt that Hitler's character has given much play in the film, but Bruno Gantz plays Hitler, Hitler is portrayed as a dangerous lunatic and paranoid that everyone would expect, a kind of demon or a "figure caricature ", but a desperate man, but endowed with a great capacity for evil. In "The Sinking" smell the fear of Hitler and see how even his closest colleagues treat him with care and fear of being angry about anything. We also see in the film that Hitler had some very strange times, as outdated and slept late, and despite his professed evil nevertheless true appreciation of a dog as a pet and Eva Braun.

Hitler is portrayed as a proud subject to death, unable to recognize a loss, unable to negotiate or give up ... but the problem with Hitler is that the price you pay your pride does not pay personally but he is paid by the German people every day continuing the war in Berlin. They pay the poor children of the Hitler Youth, who in their innocence they think they can contain the enemy holding a gun in a square position. The young officers are charged with such absolute faith in Hitler do not hesitate to commit suicide at the news of the capitulation of the Third Reich.

is the anti-Hitler, is the high priest of evil. Is the one who administers the sacrament of death. In the film Hitler is about a woman affectionately in his bunker and he says, with a gentle voice: "Sorry I can not make a better gift, giving him a cyanide capsule to enable women to kill themselves. What else could offer Hitler a German who was not just death?.

At all times I believed to be in front of Hitler himself. Recreation Bruno Gantz makes it so believable that even says that during the shooting was rare and a colleague stumbled across it when I was characterized and was scared to death. But he said that "Downfall" wants to present a sweet or sweetened Hitler. A benevolent image or complacent, and that I can not agree. The Bruno Gantz Hitler embodied in this rare German film is filled with a Hitler. A Hitler alive, not a dangerous madman but a fanatically respected head of state by millions of people. Keep in mind that even in the bunker, Hitler continues to have absolute power in Germany and is, at least in theory, one of the most powerful men in the world.

is not true that this film presents a sympathetic portrait of Hitler. What it does instead is to put the viewer in a position to understand the phenomenon of blind fanaticism of his followers, and also come to feel compassion and even pity for the many brave individuals who gave their lives for an authoritarian system that died of Just as he had wanted to shape the 1,000-year Reich.

After viewing this film it is clear that we Hitler's followers were not all bloodthirsty evil people, blinded by their military or military effort, but normal people who were trapped in circumstances and subject to a loyalty that could not honor without condemning themselves as accomplices. This film does not do any favors to Hitler and I sincerely believe, without being an expert, the team that the shot has done its best to put on display the Hitler more human and closer to reality than was possible.

Hard, very hard are the images that this film shows us where the Goebbels is killing their own children and then himself. The Hitler do the same. But most sad and unfortunate is the story of the poor children of the Hitler Youth, whose bodies dumped in ditches and improvised trenches, in the city, showing the viewer's face the most humiliating defeat of Germany, who is also the defeat of a people deceived and taken once again to prostration. It is absurd that people so young lose their life that way but also those poor children were militarily insignificant to the Russian advance, far superior in number, which was already raging.

The film is made with care and oozes credibility. Is said to be the most expensive film in German cinema recently and I do not doubt that has invested euro fine each. The story told is generally accepted by historians although Traudl Jungle, Hitler's secretary, unfortunately died before the release of the same, so that the film is, perhaps, a living or even an apology, or lament of an old woman, having worked for someone who did so much harm to the world, even without realizing it.

is essential in this film set in the military blind loyalty to Hitler had come to the Third Reich. A fanatical loyalty that comes to intelligence and achieve void convince many good soldiers and officers, innocent of war crimes, to be removed life. It is an absolutely useless and even sacrifice children because their lives are not going to pay for the damage caused by the Nazis to the world. But it is a clear and manifest evidence of the moral damage caused by Nazi propaganda in the minds of their own servers. Hitler had not only created a terrible war machine but also had placed a self-destruct button for situations like this.

Hitler's bunker is the silent protagonist of the film. Has been faithfully recreated by any information which he knows because it was almost entirely destroyed by the Russians. The images displayed can be a fair and realistic idea of \u200b\u200bfacilities, and the security offered to its residents. Bear in mind that even today in Germany the bunker or bunkers (because there are several) of Hitler in Berlin is a matter of state secret. In the nineties it was discovered doing a play a bunker of World War II and automatically impidiío media to any possible spread of what was found in it.

Now I turn to some of the characters who are marching in the movie "Downfall" and are in my opinion the real heroes of the film, who honored the uniform of the Army who served and came to give life by it, even paying for sins they had not.

For example, the SS physician Dr. Shenck, who worked with Dr. Werner Haase. He was one of Hitler's personal physicians. Shenck refused to leave Berlin and decided to stay there doing their duty now-considered-their services would be more necessary than ever. This brave man would be imprisoned and victimized by the Russians after the German surrender. The film offers a fitting tribute and serves as a gentle reminder to this great professional and a member of the SS who might choose to flee and save themselves and yet remained beside his own until the last moment, working as a doctor.

Just the memory of Dr. Schenk emotional made me reflect on the notion of "humanitarian spirit." Dr. Schenk was a doctor and as such, was used to save lives, but also to see people die. Only a person with a great humanitarian spirit can choose what you chose him to stand by the side of the losers, rather than risking a likely death for the enemy, in exchange for one or more to save more lives. Only someone who estimates the value of human life above any other consideration, may decide something.

understand why Dr. Schenk even without knowing it was by serving a humanitarian cause and was not really serve the Third Reich, although formally carry his uniform. Because a true member of the SS had fled, and fled Himmler, and Eichmann fled, as they all fled like cowards, corrupt and lack of moral people who were willing to save his skin and out.

military is also brave as those who help Traude Jungle escape to freedom, through the Russian lines, and to maximize their chances of escape, they decide to stay, assuming a likely armed conflict which would not leave alive. That gentleman officer trying to save women risking their lives, the daring and personal courage, no may be characteristic of a member of the SS, they are cowards by definition, false and corrupt, that behavior is the behavior of a Person and courageous fighter who does not hesitate to sacrifice his life to save another human being. Therefore there is also a positive message in the film, many military people were dignified and honorable behavior. The film could not but reflect that even in flight and in circumstances so serious and dangerous behavior continues to be heroic and commendable.

In conclusion we can say that this film shows a group of diverse characters among whom are fanatical followers of Hitler, military wise and brave, but convicted their loyalty to the tyrant, and courageous people, dignified and worthy of recognition as Dr. Schenk or military aid Jungle Traude save his life after escaping the bunker.

VIII. The Eagle Has Landed (The Eagle Has Landed, 1976)

This British film was released in 1976 but looks like a classic movie so careful of their conduct. It was directed by John Sturges and counts among its cast acting with first names like Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, Donald Sutherland, Donald Pleasence, Anthony Quayle, Jenny Agutter, Treat Williams, Larry Hagman and Jean Marsh.

The film is quite long and if you have any luck with the editing can be extended, lasting nearly two hours.

The argument is this: the German secret service learns that the British leader Winston Churchill will visit a small town (Norfolk, UK). Hitler gives order to kidnap him. Colonel Radl, on the orders of Hitler, has the mission to Colonel Steiner, who was awaiting a court martial with his men (he had been sentenced to death.) Steiner logically accepts the mission to change to be fully rehabilitated in office as he and his military men. But the odds of success are slim, so the offer is not as generous as it looks.

Steiner's men disguised as soldiers Polish allies and fall parachuted into England, reaching its destination in advance. Now we can only await the arrival of Churchill.

This is an unusual film in the genre of WWII, first because in this movie "good" are the Germans, although not as representatives of the Third Reich but for the humanitarian and dignified personalities of its protagonists. In addition, the Third Reich is portrayed as a cruel, punishing his own men undeservedly. The death sentence of Steiner (played by Michael Caine) and his men is just the first demonstration in the film that something is wrong in the Third Reich. Because it is very clear Steiner and his men are completely innocent.

Moreover, there is a scene where there is an abuse by Nazi guards into a Jewish prisoners and the involvement of Steiner is clearly to prevent such abuse, admonish the guards and put these people unless attacked. This action gives us the first time since Steiner as a German officer, but a worthy person, respectful of people's lives. It is not a murderer, nor is it a cruel Nazi victims seeking.

the Germans in the film are portrayed as brave men, patriots, men of honor, which they refuse to fight with a fake uniform but want to wear their own uniforms. Accept the mission to kill but do not share Churchill racism, hatred of Nazism. They are military professionals trying to meet mandated, but not hate their enemies. In short, everything is ready for the viewer to take them sympathy from the beginning and see the film in a way different than you're used to coming to wish the bad guys (Germans) are off the hook.

interpretations of the characters are outstanding. Donald Pleasence plays Himmler and makes a very good role. The film has a rather slow development at first but then becomes more interesting. The historical recreation is very credible at all times we be in for a classic film, a blockbuster of the fifty or sixty, but it should be noted that the film is from 1976.

If I could summarize the movie in one sentence would read: "Soldiers of the Third Reich but with honor." This film avoids falling into the trap of presenting the German military as flat characters lacking any depth and heartless murderers. Here Colonel Colonel Radl and Steiner and his men are portrayed as wise, brave and loyal soldiers to their homeland but are not murderers, or hate the English, or feel hatred towards anyone. His conduct humanitarian, fellowship and camaraderie raise the complicity of the viewer from the first time and ended up watching as a handful of men killed trying to meet an almost impossible assignment as a reward for something they unfairly removed, his own dignity. And his own dignity honorable military is precisely the only thing left for these men, and therefore the value so much.

In this movie there is only a reference to the Holocaust and it is this scene where you see soldiers mistreating Jewish women who are being deported. Steiner and his men on the scene and prevent the abuse to continue, which means for them to problems with the Gestapo. The film does not treat the Holocaust fund (maybe it was early 1976) but leaves a small wake up call. Clearly, if Steiner and his men were aware of the Holocaust, there would have never accepted.

striking in this film and "The Submarine", how easily they accept missions impossible or almost impossible the German military. And yet, how little recognition and respect they obtained from their own government. By way of comparison, on the Allied side, Colonel Doolittle ordered his government will make a foray into Japan to undermine the morale Japan. It was an almost suicidal mission because it meant go into enemy territory with a very large aircraft, bombers, unable to escape and fuel very fair to land in China. Doolittle is successful but there are many casualties, and when he returns to U.S. fears that a court-martial opened so many casualties. However, U.S. fills him with honors.

How different the fate of a soldier to be on the German side.


Another great movie "different" that shows the second World War from the German side is "The submarine." We live day to day with a German submarine crew trying to survive as you can while dutifully fulfilled its mission. The film is based on the testimony of true German officers at the time and oozes credibility and authenticity, and the virtue that holds the technical complexity of carrying screens inside a military submarine forties.

Living conditions on board the submarine are horrific and overwhelming but the worst are the experiences that the players will suffer because of their own ranking Nazis such as when they receive orders to leave the survivors of a sunken ship, but also portrays the hell of suffering constant attacks and be almost sunk by the enemy. At the end of all their epic, triumphant return home but an unfortunate bombing frustrated happy ending to the story.

is certainly a film that teaches not to hate the Germans, because here unlike "The Eagle Has Landed" is not seen a special intention of being nice to the spectators, but is intended to tell a story from the German side, a story with people who suffer and live in fear too. There is a story of murderers and victims, but all are victims.

"The Sea" shows us a brave military, professional and feared for their skill, but not murderers without mercy. That phrase reminds that, in respect of the Cid who was in the service of Alfonso VI "God, what a good vassal, had been good sir." Well here we can not but recognize that if these facts that reflect the film are true and historical, of course the German sailors were people deserve recognition for their bravery and courage, but were serving a cause crooked and his own country were abandoned to their fate when it is appropriate . I wonder how many German military heroics have been forgotten and buried for not having been recognized at the time by the Nazi regime itself.

X. Schindler's list.

One of the most important films that are on the Holocaust and Nazism in general and also a great film commercially. It is rare to find someone who has not seen. He was also a movie very Oscar-winning (eight statuettes).

Schindler is a German bourgeois merchant is economic benefit to the war, but ends up in El Salvador more than a thousand Polish Jews. At some point, Schindler will become aware of the tragedy of the Jewish people and will do its best to save the lives of those in his factory has hired as employees. Something achieved thanks to the help of his loyal accountant.

I will not dwell on telling the story and carefully analyze the film as it is well known. Try to make some personal contribution to what I learned or I've seen of this film. In

this film particularly Nazism and SS are portrayed as a corrupt, authoritarian and does not respect human life. Schindler takes advantage of the weakness of the SS, his greed for money and luxury for their own benefit.

Schindler was a man of good family and had had a good education. Hence had no particular hatred or prejudice against Jews. This greatly facilitated the work to your accountant, Izhak Stern, who was actually drafted the famous list of people who would be saved from deportation and the Holocaust.

The movie tries to depict Schindler as a hero but shows its gradual evolution of unscrupulous employers a person deeply touched by the tragedy of the Jewish people.

Being a big movie can not forget that there were many other "saviors", the website of the Raoul Wallenberg there are many names of all nationalities, being that of Raoul Wallenberg major. People who risked their lives to help them escape and save thousands of Jews and, in many cases, have not been recognized beyond the loving memory of family members or a board on a street.

In my own town a few years ago killed three elderly women, after which burial was learned that during World War II had been part of an international network dedicated to the salvation of German and European Jews. Hid Jews in their homes and helped them escape. These events occurred during the Franco dictatorship and the worst period of repression, forties, where a mere anonymous tip could have given these people to the wall.

We will never know how many people saved their lives thanks to the solidarity and humanitarian initiative of three poor women in a small Galician city but what is certain is that their names, as well as the names of all the "saviors" that contained in the records of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, are such big names as that of Oskar Schindler, who, without denying any merit, we should not remember as a great savior because he was neither the only nor the most important. And the heroism and humanitarian conduct knows no nationalities, creeds and gender. We can find a "savior" in our own street, just as a murderer.


is necessary and remains important to make new films and projecting those on the subject of the Holocaust. It is a historical fact too important and significant to allow the passage of time will grow into a story in black and white elderly deceased.

Those who accuse the "powerful Jewish influence" of films that are shot on the Holocaust, should be reminded that Christianity takes millennia remembering a single death of Jesus. And there are countless movies with religious themes, some important and classics like "Ben Hur", "The Ten Commandments", "Quo Vadis," "The Robe", etc. But why not read every day in the press charges against the various Christian churches by the "strong Christian influence" in the film world.

must admit that teaching the Holocaust could harm a student. Why tell a gay young man who arrived facts to suffer millions of people can result in material damage, especially when you realize that these events really happened and concludes that we are not completely safe they can not revive totalitarian regimes today. But it is imperative to hurt the youth with the moral harm and teach them the result of the Nazi experience. Only then will learn the true value of international human rights declarations, covenants of rights and democratic constitutions, the same texts that are overlooked in primary and secondary.

Holocaust education is not a teaching of death but of life. The Holocaust teaches us, to paraphrase the survivor of Auschwtiz Libusa Breden: God comes not expect to solve anything. Do you something. The Holocaust taught not to tolerate authoritarianism when it comes to installation. The Holocaust taught not to accept the discrimination of a group of others because we will be following us, as in the famous poem.

In today's world, education is the most immediate visual appeal and therefore we have seen films contain great lessons and several readings to be able to see.

The biggest challenge we face all the films is in the following question: Given this situation has to be What behavior? "Unjust order must prevail given by a Nazi, or humanitarian law must prevail institinto is telling us not to kill this person disobeying the order given, or we are faced with the above?

hardest thing is to react appropriately to a serious situation and it is here where the value of the conduct of Oskar Schindler, Kurt Gerstein and the brave men of Colonel Steiner. They are very clear that humanitarian instincts must prevail, but instead, many people, perhaps most, have not done anything and have consented to the injustice under the guise And what could I do?.

Today, there is no official persecution of the Jews nor would acceptable but there exist some hatred contempt and social groups such as the Romanian gypsies for example. What if a group of English law students accidentally witness how a couple of policemen brutally hit and handcuffed to a Romanian gypsy? How many of us would cope with the police would abuse such a complaint? It is these kinds of issues that test the daily humanitarian convictions of individuals. KEYBOARD


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