2011 World Cup in October "?
Nearly a week after the terrible disaster happened in Japan, the ISU has not yet made a decision on the postponement or outright cancellation of the World Championship which was scheduled for this week's city \u200b\u200bof Tokyo.
As has podidio know through various sources, the ISU would be torn between total cancellation of the event (with all the problems this would bring), or the postponement of the next month of October (which certainly would be a real headache in the physical preparation of all skaters).
The truth is that today there are three possibilities, as Cinquanta himself explained: "Our advice examine the situation carefully. Presumably, however, we will opt for full cancellation, or a postponement to October. In Tokyo, if the authorities give us the nod, or a city in a different country, and in that eventuality would be the promise of giving Japan an issue in the future. As soon as possible we will make a statement with our official decisions. "
For now, the 2012 edition of the championship has been awarded to France (Nice) and the 2013 in Canada (London, Ontario). But we must also take into account that the first Grand Prix PROOF next season, Skate Canada, which is scheduled to be held between 21 and 23 October, so time to move from that month's edition of this world is an idea that does not like, especially for skaters. If they use the summer months for the preparation of its new programs, what is supposed to do this year? will prepare 4 different programs? compete in two World Cups with the same programs? ... either way, the decision to take is complicated, and as I heard a couple of times, "I would not be in the shoes of those who have to solve this."
While President of the ISU World Cup seems to want to be in Japan next October, the city of Malmo, Sweden and Moscow in Russia, have already expressed interest in hosting the event sooner.
figure skating community in solidarity with the Japanese people in their time of need, but most are great for your celebration sooner rather than later. If the event is postponed until October, when Grand Prix starts, the will and participation of many skaters would be substantially different from the typical in a World Championships, and the result ... could harm many.
not have fallen at all well the statements made by Occtavio Cinquanta where he said that " can not always hear what the skaters want ".... In short, if the president of the ISU do not think your opinion counts ... why go on discussing the issue. I'm off if he is right or not, and it is clear that here we like it or not, weighing the economic reasons, but perhaps the forms have not been the most appropriate. For now, enough already, skaters and members of world of figure skating, who through facebook and other social networks have shown their dissatisfaction and anger in the words of Cinquanta.
If we go back to the past, the only edition of a World Championship was canceled in 1961, when the plane carrying the U.S. team crashed during landing at Brussels, 72 people died, 34 of which were part of team American.
far, the debate is open, and as always, we are left waiting.