Many have spoken, but not confirm anything. Now some of them leave us your feedback. The question that we carried was simple "What would be your solution to the world?. I leave the answers you kindly, I have arrived.

" No I care what will happen to dle World Championship. I just want to know what, where and when it will happen ...
If they choose to be ready in a month and if they do we will be ready in October too. If you decide to cancel will be unfortunate, because we have been working very hard this year and we have high expectations for a medal target, but what can we Do, and is not in our hands. So I guess we'll start the new season early! and get ready for the next! Fabian . "

" From my point of view would be best for everyone to do as soon as possible, to early April, but they understand all difficulties that entails. If for April can not be, almost better than canceled, because the October option not understand it, to tell you the truth ... But they say and something! we are here and what we do not know if training next year, what of this year, when going on holiday ... "

Marchei Valentina (ITA)
" I have read some of the views of the skaters, I think all of us who were taking part in this important event as the world train hard all season to be in the best way to do better. For all the World Cup is the biggest goal of the season. Everything is planned for that day .. so I think we should postpone the event to another place available, as soon as possible, by some weeks. Basically because if you are more than a month, would organize all the training back to keep in shape for the new date, and whether it will be in October would be a problem for the preparation of the next season .. What would this mean? "Give him all the best, at the beginning of the season? ... That's crazy! I think we should skate for people in Japan, give them all our heart, support them with our passion ... this is all we can do ...
My prayers and thoughts are with Japan and everyone involved in this tragic situation. God bless .

"I understand the magnitude of the decisions that Japan Skating Federation and the ISU will face, and I can not understand the difficulties they find, as it deals with this situation. This is just my humble opinion. We ask that you respect my opinion as I respect yours.
1. The cancellation of the event: My sincere hope is that this is the last option. From the perspective of a skater, skating is our career, our job, our livelihood, and the cancellation of the World would be a disrespect to all the hard work that we have. I know that the World has been canceled before, but was due to a team, the U.S. delegation , Died tragically in a plane crash. This time, fortunately, the Japanese team is safe (and I pray for your continued safety). You say, but look at the number of people killed by this disaster. I know, and I can not even begin to express my sorrow for the tragedy. But I wonder, have you canceled your job, your work, because of the tragedy? Chances are you've continued with your work while you do your best to help our friends in Japan. I only ask that we have the same opportunity to continue our work, while at the same time do what we can to honor those in Japan and help as much as we can.
2. Change the World in October: This decision seems strange at first, until you look at the reasons behind it. Postpone the event until October gives Japan a new opportunity to celebrate the championship they deserve to have. He, along with other skaters eager to compete in Japan. Have proven to be one of the best countries to organize an event, and we all know that the World Championship would not have been an exception would have been another wonderful event! Move the event to October, however, present some unique challenges: How do the skaters? How do we prepare for the new season while training programs last season and the rules of last season? And how do we prepare for the new season, trying to reach the maximum in the finals taking place at the beginning of the season? "Two world championships in one season? This option is difficult to conceive, due to the numerous questions and difficulties.
3. Transfer of the championships, I have the utmost respect for the Japanese and their ability to host this event. But due to extreme circumstances in which they are, I hope the event can be moved elsewhere by now, giving Japan the opportunity to host the event again soon. Move the event, I understand, can be extremely difficult, but I know that several countries have intervened and offered. Again, this presents many challenges, yes, but this option gives us opportunities for skaters who have worked so hard.
said all this, I will respect any decision made by JSF and ISU. And my prayers are with the Japanese people, while addressing this terrible time. "
John Kerr (GBR)
" In light of the devastating events in Japan was the right thing postpone the ISU World Championships. I do not think that moving the event elsewhere is economically or logistically possible in such a short time, and also somewhat feel so numb to move the event to a "safe place", while Japan is experiencing its most difficult in 60 years.
believe that the best option would be to cancel this year's world and give it to Tokyo in 2012. Move to October can not give Japan time to recover and, from a point of view of the skaters, it makes sense to have two world championships in one season. If you decide to continue this effort, I am sure that all skaters will make every effort to work. Regards, John "
Cathy Reed (JPN)
" Thanks for writing. Yes, what is happening right now in Japan is very tragic. Has made an impression on me. I can not help mourn every day, every time someone talks to me about it when I see on the news, or when I see photos or videos on the Internet. My fans in Japan have also written their experiences of fear in my blog and makes me mourn. It's so sad ..... But I stay strong for my country and help the best I can. Chris and I made a donation together with Kinoshita Co., our sponsor. Any donation, large or small, makes a difference. We
training every day because we do not know the decision of the ISU on the World. Sorry, but I would not make any Commenting on the decision of my federation, as they have put a lot of investment money and time in organizing this event, along with the World Team Trophy. Whatever you decide, I hope you all accept it as best as possible and move on. Cathy .
Peter Liebers (GER):
" Well, this is a very difficult question! I do not think there is a perfect solution! All have their pros and cons! I think the ISU and all athletes must focus all their attention on supporting people in Japan do their best. I do not think it's a good idea to welcome in Japan in October.
However, the ISU decided, I would agree and try my best to have a good world championship. I just hope the ISU find the best solution for the skaters and not for the sponsors!
Love, Peter. "
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