The forum made many pools before being confirmed the composition of Russian couples this year. And one of our favorites you were, indeed, you. I also thought about that possibility? What do you looked like before they start working together? Maxim
: Since 2006, Tanya looked at the performances, I liked a couple. But at that time there were many strong partners (and I did not need family time), and Ukraine did not let go. But I always thought, and many experts told me that she was a good choice for me as a partner. Tanya
: Rumors circulated since 2006 that they wanted me to pair up with Maxim in Russia. But they were just rumors. No one approached me for intending to do. Continued its activities. But at that moment there was no point changing anything.
I believed in the success when we became partners, but obviously there are always doubts: will work or not work. No two athletes always get a couple good good. Especially since we went to a little-known coach. So far, thank God, things are going well and are happy with it.
This season there have been many new couples, and no yours is certainly the most successful among all Did you expect to be champions of Russia in your first season together? How was that moment? Maxim
: I did not expect us to win something soon. Even after the short program. Until the last moment, when I saw the protocols, hesitated. Kavaguti and Smirnov thought would win by the components. Well, when it was clear that we were first, I was devastated. I was happy not so much for me but for Tanya and our coach Nina Mozer.
Таnya : Actually we tried not to think of places we could occupy. We were concerned more to skate well. When we win, I felt joy, happiness. In a sense, the same as when I dealt with Stanislav Morozov fourth in the championship of the world.

: Gerboldt - Enbert, Iljushechkina-Majsuradze and Bazarov Larionov - three young couples very strong. Emphasize the latter, as they have on their shoulders an Olympics and a medal at the European Championship. Well, it is generally difficult to predict anything. It all depends on how you progress. Weather tell.
For Tatiana, what it means for you to compete for Russia? Tatiana
: First of all a big responsibility. Represent a country so large, that since the beginning of the Olympic movement to Vancouver almost never lost its status in our sport is a big responsibility. I do not want to disappoint the people who support you and believe in you.
With the change of partners surely you had to get used to a new partner for many of the elements. What element has been the most difficult to learn to do together?
Таnya : For me, have been difficult to learn the twist and releases, because we changed the supports to which I was used when skating with my former partner. Maxim
: I had difficulty with the common rotation. And now we work hard on this item.

: I think even now we are settled at each other, and competition after competition will be more comfortable for us skate together. But in general we need 2 months, probably, to get used to each other.
What is your favorite item and your strength? Maxim
: my favorite element, side breaks. And our strength, in my opinion, is that I like Tanya in everything. Physically hit it (aesthetically), we're both thin, looked at each other harmoniously together, and we have a similar character .. This is a great advantage.
Таnya : I agree with Maxim. My favorite part, shoots. I like the feeling of flight.

: From Stas, as a couple, I liked its reliability in the backspin and the supports, is more powerful in this sense that Max. Maxim And I like his emotional side. Maxim
: De Maria elegance it had in the release. Tania I like everything, it a very positive and happy, with her everything is easy. And of course, is technically very strong.
For Tatiana, has been much talk about the rift between Maxim and Mary, but why did you decide to stop competing together your husband and you. Injury, fatigue or really calculated it would be easier to get a gold medal under the Russian flag instead of Ukrainian and decided to sacrifice skated apart?
Тanya : Stas has ended his career. He at that time was already 31 years old. I said I do not want to skate more. And I still wanted to skate. But in Ukraine there were no good partners.
is easier to be No. 1 in Ukraine than in Russia. You never thought to compete for Ukraine because there is less competition?
Таnya : In Ukraine is easier to get the first couple of country, but in Russia it is more enjoyable. A invitarion us to skate by Ukraine, but we refused. There are no conditions for training in Russia very supportive.
For Maxim, You recently declared that they want to talk about Mary. Without having to name it, can you sum up your stage with her in one word? Maxim
I do not want to comment on the matter. What happened, happened. Thanks to Mary for everything.
Does your favorite couple from the past? Tanya
: Gordeeva, Grinkov. Maxim
: I like Gordeeva - Grinkov and Berezhnaya - Sikharulidze.
Seguis "the other disciplines of skating: dance, girls, boys? What are your favorites?
Таnya : Sure, I still other types of figure skating. I like Miki Ando, \u200b\u200bJoannie Rochette, Yu Na Kim, of course. I'll be very happy with the return to competitive skating Evgeny Plushenko. I also like Joubert, Daisuke Takahashi. And Tomas Werner also. Virtue and Moir, Jana Khokhlova And with his new partner. Maxim
: Stephane Lambiel, Carolina Kostner, Virtue-Moir.
If you had not chosen this sport, what sport would you want to practice?
Tanya: I think that would make ballroom dancing. In childhood, until age 12 was dance, although it is true that it was folk dancing.
Maxim : Basketball or golf. .
Why did you start skating? "By chance or because I like this sport? Tanya
: The two of us took to the ice our parents, health, education and discipline. We had so few years so that ice skating was chosen for us by our families, and later we have loved this sport.
What is your best memory of your sporting life?
Таnya : Probably my most brilliant sporting memory is Tokyo, 2007. Then we were fourth in the world championship. Patinabamos well, and it was nice to be among the top five. Stas then, still suffering from an injury. Well, of course, the Olympic Games 2006 and 2010. Maxim
: For me is when defeated in World Junior Championship. Then emotions overwhelmed me.

Tanya: I like different images. But at this point I like to dance the tango or perhaps something Latin or something. Maxim
: I always wanted to skate "Romeo and Juliet." This is my dream come true.
Because the rules of change of nationality, you could not participate in the European Championships in Berne How do you feel about it? "You wanted to be and that competition was better not to participate or to prepare your debut in the World? Tanya
: We miss the European Championship was not a surprise, we knew beforehand that it will. You can even this has been good. We participated in a show, and for us it was a great experience. Skating to the public, when there are 14 thousand spectators in the courtroom, it's worth. Furthermore, this has been like a break. We have many winning racing and go to Japan to enjoy the performances.
- Do you think that you are capable of beating the Germans and reach the podium at the World Tokyo? Maxim
: Anything is possible. The most important thing is to skate well, without thinking about the result.
Have you thought about what you do in the future, when let to compete? Maybe coach other skaters? Maxim
: I do not think seriously about this. First patinaré in shows, will educate children, I'll see in due course.
Таnya : Now all my thoughts are busy in my career. This for us is most important. On what will then we'll think about later.
Say the first thing that comes to mind when you hear:
-Figure Skating:
Tanya : ice, of course. Maxim
: training.
Tanya : Maxim
: training.
Tanya : Adrenaline. Maxim
: Emotion.
Maxim : Thanks.
Now some personal questions:
Favorite movie:
Tanya: I have many movies favoritas.Adoro the old Soviet cinema, for example. "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"
Maxim: The Fight Club.
Favorite book:
Tanya: "journey home"
Maxim: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey
Favorite food:
Tanya : The crepes, in general I love the pasta and sweets. Maxim
: Italian food.
A smell:
Tanya : fresh aromas, Maxim
spring, the smell of my girlfriend.
One color:
Tanya: My preferences often change, now yellow. Maxim
: Red.
Action or Comedy:
Tanya : 50 - 50. Depends on my mood
Maxim : Action
You could not live without:
Tanya : Ice. Maxim
: The family.
Three things would you take to a desert island.
Tanya: A phone, skates and my husband. Maxim
: A boat sailing away from there, my girlfriend and satellite television.
Thanks for your help, we really appreciate it a lot.
And you thank you very much, it was interesting answer
Here you have the forum link, if anyone wants to see more. Thanks to those who have worked in it, and the staff of Ariquitaun for letting me hang it on the blog.
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