was six o'clock in the afternoon when a guard finally brought Isaac to the cell. Despite the long time it took in and out, and he felt that staff had taken time-release process for was quite rapid now that they had decided to leave out: opening wives, their own. A signature, his. Clothes off, theirs. Clothes to wear, yours. Portfolio returned.
All I could think about was her lawyer. I could not believe he had obtained bail.
O took the money.
Man, was in her debt. Without Grier Childe would not be on the verge of a freedom that was going to keep alive.
had not seen since I came to tell who had succeeded to the judge, but it was clear that things had settled with cash or he would not be back in their own underpants.
The containment area of \u200b\u200bthe Palace of Justice was separated from the public section of a series of doors that led him across the room where he had met with her. The last group of not-even-think-on-this was in the processing center, where he was booked and photographed.
God, I could still smell her perfume.
With a clang, the steel lock guard jumped and gave him a shove rather than a "bon voyage" ...
- Need a ride?
Isaac stopped short just inside the waiting area. The Miss Childe stood on the linoleum, looking as if at a cocktail party and not the county jail: the hair was braided, but not wearing clothes. She wore some kind of black dress ... and a pair of black stockings that made him transparent with difficulty swallowing to prevent a whimper.
was a woman.
- You need it? -Caused. Feeling like a Neanderthal
to go the route dumb, shook his head.
"No, thank you, ma'am.
She walked toward the exit and opened the door, standing aside, looking like a million dollars ... and as if he had nothing better to do with their time to play goalie with him.
Isaac left the waiting room into the hall that only had a row of elevators and fire escape.
"Let me take you," she said as she pressed the down arrow. I know where you live, remember? And it will be hard to find a taxi at rush hour.
True enough. It also only had five dollars in cash. "I'll
"Exactly. Leaving me take you. It's cold and not even have a coat for the love of God.
Also true. T had lost in the clutter of being handcuffed. But like everything else about him, that was not her problem.
When she turned, as if the decision had been taken, he stared at the intricate swirls of hair. Could not see a pin or anything, and yet seemed covered with lacquer. Magic
Without realizing it, raised his hand stretched and broken as if to touch his neck. While stopped in time.
And it was shortly after, slipping quietly through the stairwell.
The provision which had a open square. Perfect.
made no noise as his body thrown over the railing and dropped two floors below, holding just in time and then swinging his torso on top. He landed crouched in silence and did not wait even a second before covering the last set of stairs with a jump and hit the exit. While burst Free cold April wind, was shit scared to smokers who were at the door before letting them into the dust in his wake. Looking
run, the path led through a dark maze of buildings and then in front of all the jewelry, as well as Macy's and Filene apartments. The rush hour meant that the streets were full of professionals expelled from the Financial District, filling all the metro stops or run like ants through the park. Fortunately, there was less foot traffic in Chinatown, but more cars, which improved his time.
While struggling to make a place, the effort helped by the fact that he had nothing more than a sleeveless shirt, but the cold damp air will prevent the bruises and cut on the forehead latieran too. When he reached the block where he lived, was almost disappointed to have to go slower, the exercise was good for calming your mind and expel trauma.
Approaching from behind the three-story house, weaved in the backyards of the neighbors left and stopped ten yards from the back door. The lights were on in the room of the owner and on the second floor, but everything was shut down on their level.
When he was reasonably sure he had not been followed, bent down and picked up a stone. Staying in the shadows, approached, leaned back hand launched and hit his head rocking without lamp bulb was on top of the stairs and put the outside light to sleep.
Isaac waited, crouched in tension where it was: the speed was often her friend, but this was not always the case. Sometimes going slowly was the only reason you woke up the next morning.
Downstairs, a shadow rose and went from window to window, then made a trip back to the flickering television. There was good news, but not a surprise. Ms. Mulcahy never left his room except for food, and was the kind of owner that made him uncomfortable to consider the benefits of banks park. Tonight, however, she was not the reason I moved stealthily at home: they were damn good opportunities for their name in the criminal justice system, its management had been punctured by XOps and that meant that location was not safe.
had to get in and out of there quickly.
Ten minutes later I was on the back steps. Key in the lock. Climbing the stairs like a ghost.
And on his way to the top floor, prevented the steps that creaked, which eliminated three out of four of the bastards.
his apartment door was opened without a sound because he had oiled the hinges on the night was moved, and with a quick turn bolted, locked inside. A quick listen told him that there was no more sound than the TV down, but stayed where he was for a minute and a half to be sure.
When there was nothing out of place that might arise, was launched. Lightning was
speed. The whisper quiet way.
Outside the kitchen. In the front room.
I took a look at their stuff know that Grier had stirred, the change in the pile of clothes was so subtle that only he would notice, but the folding system that had developed was designed precisely for that purpose. He put on his sweatshirt
he used as a pillow, slipped two pockets forty in the center front and put on combat boots. Ammunition, hunting knife and mobile phone went to his pants, then put the black jacket was everything I had, a successful shelter.
Back to the bedroom. In the closet. There had been
twenty-seven thousand eight hundred fifty-three U.S. dollars in its cache, so it must have some left over after the bond.
pulled the panel and reached ...
I had to open the bag of Star Market and counting, by the weight, I knew that Grier had not taken a single dollar of the rolls of one hundred and twenty tickets or the abandoned lot undone.
But Matthias had been here ... have taken up arms to make it less dangerous. And waited there to shoot him in the head.
Shit ... intact metal shit meant that there was a guarantor or implied ... or that she had set bail at his own expense. And when he had been indicted, there were revelations about others sending Benjamins. So he should have.
Taking action, took the bag and replaced the section of board. Then he went through the windows and doors, pulling the receptors with a knife and putting the metal plates in his pockets. No more than three minutes later, went the way it entered: on the back and as silent as the smoke.
The five hundred dollars left on the kitchen counter would have to cover the fact that he was breaking the lease, and Ms. Mulcahy would have to figure he had left when there was no sign of it after a couple of days.
The less contact with him, the safer for it.
Same with her lawyer.
God damn it.
Down in the backyard, the senses of Isaac were very sharp as he slid off the side of the apartment house and came running. Not slowed his pace until he was a couple of miles. Crouching in an alley, made the call was answered on the second ring:
"Yes. "I'm
fighting promoter immediately encouraged.
-Jesus Christ, I heard you were in jail. Listen, I can not put the bond ...
"I'm out. Do we fight tonight?
- Hell, yeah! We were going to have to move to that location anyway. This is awesome. How do you do?
- What is the address and how do I get?
The address was about ten miles in a town called Malden, which made sense, the cops were Southie have obviously against fighting in your lawn. And it was a mystery how the promoter had not been arrested. Unless, of course, that it was he who had given the tip-off and escaped in time.
never knew people in that class. Isaac
After hanging, his next move was to find a bus shelter with a schedule. When the ten-wheel monolithic rolled right back up slowly, approached him and sat beside the emergency exit window.
While staring at the apartments, businesses and buildings they passed, he wanted to howl. XOps
had left because he found his conscience, and that meant he could not escape with Childe Grier Having been covered up to that point. She looked rich, but twenty-five of the major cash was much more than Bother. Damn, would not have felt comfortable even with a surety bond anonymous eating that amount. But the elegant woman who had lied? And sent a dirty word?
No. I was not going to leave in the lurch.
was not going to complicate everything.
* * Two hours after leaving the jail without his client and without any clue where he had gone, Grier was in the middle of a party full of people who could say they were from his tribe. All were old fortunes of Boston and shared common ancestors on the Mayflower.
God loved them, but some of those blue bloods were old enough to have been in that same boat.
But his mind was not in the ballroom at the Four Seasons. Or the man before he spoke to her about ... Why was this party? Does the Museum of Fine Arts or the ballet?
He glanced at the banners they had hung. Reproductions of Degas. What did not necessarily respond to that: all those tutus fuzzy could fit into any category.
While bow before her still talking, she was not in the conversation. His mind was stuck in the hallway of the courthouse ... when he had turned from the lifts and was found alone.
had not even heard Isaac move, much less leave. One moment I was behind her, the next there was nothing but air where he had been. How someone of that size could make disappear this way was amazing.
Of course, there was to be a genius to figure out which came through the hollow of the back stairs, so she burst open the fire door and walked behind him, taking off her heels and running with feet clad in tights. Down the stairs, pushed open the exit door and took a look at a guy who was lighting a cigarette. When you asked if he had seen a man come out great, he just shrugged, blew a milky white cloud into the air and walked away.
After putting on stilettos, had gone to the underground parking, entered his car and taken to the apartment of his client again. There were no lights on upstairs, but not expected either. The last place someone would run was to the address he had given to police.
had known it was a client at risk of absconding. With what I had not told was to be like the smoker's breath in the breeze, going as fast as it had appeared.
Returning to the present, put Grier Chardonnay warm in the tray of a passing waiter, just as his phone began to vibrate against the hip.
Excusing himself, slipped into the hall.
- Hello?
"Hello, zeƱorita Childe. How are you?
"Waiting breathlessly for your call, Louie, so I am.
"Oh, now that's sweet. You're a good woman. -Louie dropped his routine and was friendly to the point. Not going to like what I have to tell you.
Why I'm not surprised? thought.
"Let this, then.
"It's a ghost.
No disagreement there. Still, considering that last talk with his dead brother, the ghosts could be real. He seemed quite corporeal
when I was sitting across the table with him.
"Well, the Isaac Rothe died I could find about five years ago. Mississippi below. He was found dead in a ditch on a cattle farm, and was nineteen at the time. The newspaper articles I read said it was so battered it was impossible to admit it, but the picture of him while he was alive I got from the note matches the photo to the chips made at the police station last night. It's the same guy.
-Jesus ...
"Not for nothing, but the work was expensive disappear and powerful. I mean, why he has lasted so long concealed? Sure, you can do, this is a great country and all that, but you have to be careful because there are many central databases. It has not been using their own social security number, which is different from that of the name originally, so it could be part of what has remained outside the system. But my feeling is that he knows what he is doing. And it has some serious backing.
- What kind of support would be?
"I'll give two initials: U, S.
- Surname "government"?
"I was with Uncle Sam, but yeah, that fits.
"But do not get it. If I wanted to stay lost, why kept his own name? Buying a new identity, which usually comes with a different beginning and end, right?
"You should ask him why. But the first thing that comes to mind is that I never expected to be found. And I say this ... be careful with him. That body of the ditch in Mississippi did not get there by chance. Bet my advance to the fact that someone killed a white boy who looked like him enough to put him in a closed coffin and guess what your customer is still breathing. So the HDP may be a murderer. Grier closed
eyes. Great. This was only getting better, not only bailed him a flight risk type that had been running, but perhaps a man who had killed someone and faked his own death.
polite and friendly, my ass, she thought, wondering how the hell someone like her, who had spent nineteen graduating summa cum laude, he had managed to be so stupid.
At that point, the crowd parted to reveal a tuxedo Daniel lounging around one of those Degas. As provided her with a glass flute of champagne, her pretty face was plastered with a you-what-I.
The son of a bitch was dead reason. Although two years had passed, she was still doing some kind of CPR on him, desperate to restore life, was trapped in the dramas of others, that urge to step in and help was sometimes the only thing that made her go.
- Are you okay, girl? He grabbed the phone
stronger and wondered what he would say if he knew the private investigator was looking into the eyes full of knowledge to his late brother.
"Not much, Louie.
- He has camelid you? "I've camelid
"Well, I have another piece of information for you, but I'm not sure want to give it. Sounds like you're too involved now. Preparing
, murmured: "Tell me
. I can also know everything.
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