was ten past when Grier parked his Audi outside Malden and killed the engine. Had maneuvered the sedan for the land for parking was in front of the exit and away from most other cars, but it was not like the parking sign posted or have any input or output spaces. While
had led in the direction that Louie had given over the phone, had not been sure of being in the right place. The office park had been empty since she could speak, the dozen or so five-story building that went down in a spiral along the main road as students lined up for an account. Obviously, development had been designed for high-tech companies, at least according to the sign that read, TECHNOLOGY PARK MALDEN. Instead, it was a ghost town.
Although Louie never drove badly, had turned and gone back ... and found approximately twenty-five trucks and cars behind the building farthest from the main road. Sense. If she were trespassing in a building to organize illegal fighting also would have ensured that it was so hidden as possible.
Leaving the car, went to the fire door is held open by a brick and entered. The deep growl of excitement the crowd of men fell in the lobby, testosterone was a wall that practically had to push to get through. As he walked toward the sound, I was not worried by the ratio of idiocy, which clearly would be high. I had pepper spray in a pocket and a stun gun in the other: the first was legal in Massachusetts if you had a valid gun permit and she did. The last ... Well, pay the fine of five hundred dollars, assuming they ever had to use the thing.
If you could walk into a crack house in New Bedford at midnight, could handle this.
As I walked to an atrium and glanced at the walls of wire mesh six feet of the octagon of the fighters, was well aware that it could have called the police to come to the battle tonight, but then Isaac, assuming it appeared, had been arrested again or would have run away. In either case, she could not have a chance to reach him. His aim was to stop and think Isaac is enough to see what he was doing. Escape was never the solution, and if I was on that route would have a warrant, more charges against him and the beginning of history.
Assuming you did not already have: the murder in Mississippi was concerned, but was, like everything Isaac, something that had to deal with the competent authority. As his defense attorney, had to try to get him to stay and face the consequences of their current positions. It was the right thing for society, the right thing for him too.
What if I could not get to see the light? Then he would resign from the case and tell the authorities everything he knew. Including weapons and the details of this system security. I was not going to become an accessory to the crime in pursuit of doing the right thing ...
He froze when he saw his client, he put his hand to the base of the throat. Isaac Rothe
stood alone in the far corner and, although the chains of the cage separating them, there was no failure who was ... and did not diminish the effect of him was a threat, its size and hard expression turned to face the other men in boys. And while he was surprised by his courtesy, back in jail, now had a true picture of who he was.
The man was a murderer.
His heart beat quickly, but did not hesitate. He was here to work in any way and damn, was going to talk to him.
Just as he stepped forward, a guy with gold teeth smarmy climbed up one side of the cage being silly.
"And now ... What you were expecting! Isaac
took off his sweatshirt and combat boots, the left in the ground and then entered the ring, chin down, eyes shining in the eyebrows. The shirt was stretched tightly across his chest, and arms were powerfully carved even while hanging loosely at his sides. Heading into battle, was all muscle, bone, veins, shoulders so wide that it seemed that could lift the damn building.
While climbing the cage and landed in bare feet, the roar of the crowd echoed in her head like a hood and her spine became a conductor of adrenaline. Under the glare of the eight camping lanterns hanging from the support posts, his client was part gladiator, part animal, mortal package ready to do that for what had clearly been trained.
Unfortunately, the opponent swung over the top and landed in front of him was almost a mirror image of him, the same brutal constitution, same height, same look mortal, even dressed the same way, her tank top showing quite the tattoo of a snake that wound through his shoulder and neck. And while the audience shouted and approached, the two were surrounded by each other, looking for an opportunity, arms, breasts and thighs tight.
Isaac came first, swung the body, fired up and hit the other man on one side, with a blow so appalling that she was willing to bet that the ancestors of the goal as they felt in their graves.
all happened so quickly. The two fell into a rhythm of bumps and dodges, their tank tops were wet quickly around the neck and back, light creamy yellow lamps seemed fighting in a ring of fire. Contacts, when they occurred, were of the class that sounded like cannon fire, impacts flew hard and loud that the crowd restless and deafening. The blood flew through the cut on the head of Isaac which was quickly reopened after a cut on the lip of the adversary. A fighter no seemed to care, but the onlookers loved it like vampires ...
One hand on her ass turned her head sharply.
snap back, glared at the guy with the palm of wandering.
"Excuse me.
He looked surprised for a moment, then narrowed his eyes lively.
"Hey ... what are you doing here?
The question was asked as if he had known.
On the other hand, he could have been talking to Santa Claus and accepted seriously was there, his face slick with sweat and half was twisted as if he had an electrical short on the cheek. Obviously he was groping, and God knew she was an expert in making this diagnosis.
"Excuse me," he said, leaving. He followed
. With his luck, the only idiot in the place that was more interested in flirting with her in the fighting that had come to see.
grabbed her arm, pulling on it. "I know ...
hands ..." What is your name ...
Grier was released abruptly.
"None of your business.
He jumped on it in the space between one heartbeat and the next: the meter suddenly became five centimeters. "You fucking
susceptible. Do you think you're better than me, bitch? Grier
not moved the body, but pulled the stun gun and slipped the ring securely in place. Putting the gun near the front of the jeans the guy, blurted
"If not you walk and you walk away, I'll shoot you six hundred twenty-five thousand volts through your jewelry. Three. One ... Two ...
Before the fullness of time, he crawled back and raised his hands trembling.
"I did not ... just thought I knew ...
While he was away, she kept the stun gun away and took a deep breath. Perhaps he had met during their search for Daniel, but it certainly was crazy and she was already in a mess.
Focusing again on the ring, looked up.
Just in time to see Isaac drop like a stone.
* * Fight
Matthias second was a delight. Isaac had never trusted the guy and he liked, and have a shot at the bastard had been a tacit career goal.
Ah, the irony. Just as I was leaving, he had his chance ...
Zas! While
hooks connecting the right, the fucking thing was a bulldozer, and Isaac caught directly in the jaw, pushing back the skull and causing all sorts of problems: Because the brain was nothing more a sponge loose in a snow globe, his mental case went awry, hitting all over the house of hard bone and leaving pointless and unbalanced.
All things considered, had been more concerned about a gun metal variety, but worked his knuckles. Damn, they ran ...
That was the last thought he had while the floor of the octagon rose to greet him, his hi-how-you like the rocket fist of his former comrade.
The good news is that he was the Duracell Bunny. He
up a second round after falling, although the legs were numb and lazy and his vision was needed as a television set buttons. Jumping, was all instinct and will, prove that the mind could ignore the body's pain receptors, at least for a while. He grabbed his opponent by the waist and carried him to the ground, then turned him over his stomach and ripped his arm back, pulling the thing like a rope.
with a crack, something went wrong and Isaac had to cling to sharply falling.
The crowd went crazy, all kind of screwed it bouncing down the hall half finished until a shrill whistle cut the roar. At first, he assumed that the sound was just an extension of chaos in his head, but then realized that someone had entered the ring. It was the promoter, and for once, the bastard's face was a little pale.
"It's over," cried as she grabbed the wrist of Isaac and rose into the air. Winner! Leaning, he hissed. Let him go.
Isaac could not understand what the problem was the type ...
eyes finally focused properly, and well, you know. Matthias number two needed an x-ray, cast, and maybe a couple of screws: the humerus protruding from the skin like a broken bat bloodied, broken arm and something else. Isaac
jumped and fell against the strings, pumping in and out breath of the mouth. His opponent was standing almost as quickly and grabbed the hand that fell heavily as if he had nothing more exciting than a bug bite.
When their eyes met and smiled in that way uncle of his, Isaac thought ... shit, this fight had been nothing more than a warning shot with his bow.
A message that came after him.
An invitation to run. Well
. Matthias fucked. And that compound fracture was his answer: it could pay off but would cause severe damage on its way to the grave. Isaac
wasted no time. Jumped on the chains and pulled himself over the edge. Fortunately, the crowd knew it was better not too close, so I could quickly go to Jim ...
struck directly to the public defender.
- Christ! Barked, jumping back.
"It's really Childe. With "E", raised an eyebrow. Thought experiment with the supply of taxi again, do you need to take you to Boston? Or do you go in that direction? Forgetting for a moment
manners, Isaac blurted
- What the hell are you doing here?
I was going to ask you the questions. Given that one of your security measures is that they do not participate in illegal cage fights. And that's what just does not seem to play NAAA to a set of ludo. I've broken my arm for that man.
Isaac looked around, wondering what was the quickest way to the door ... because she did not belong to this group of thugs and had to get her out of here.
"Look, we can go out ...
- What are you thinking? "Appearing here and fight?
I was going to come see you.
"I'm your lawyer, you should expect that, dammit. "I owe
twenty-five thousand U.S. dollars.
"And I'll tell you how you can settle the account. "She planted her hands on her hips and leaned forward, her perfume reached the nose and Isaac ... their blood. You can stop being a stupid ass appear at your hearing in two weeks. I'll give you the time and date again, if you forgot to record them.
OK ... she was totally hot when he was angry. Yyyyyyyy
that was not an appropriate response under the doctrine of time-place. Among other things.
At that time, Jim and his boys approached, but Grier wasted no no look at them, but Jim was looking hard. And that did nothing but give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow Isaac would be her in the courtroom. Dude, it was amazing when I was focused, angry and ready to serve somebody on a plate. Two other things
"she snapped. Better pray for that guy whose arm should be plastered not call the police. And you need to see a doctor. Again. You're bleeding.
To fill the gap, but there was none, the promoter came up with what looked like a couple thousand.
"Here's your slice ...
Suddenly, his eyes imploring Grier became even his handsome face remained tense.
"Do not take the money, Isaac. And come with me. Do the right thing tonight and will save a lot of misery later. I promise. Isaac
just shook his head and held out his hand to the promoter.
"Oh, I'm not kidding.
While she cursed and turned around, he was speechless for a moment by the fact that she had not dropped the bomb J. Putting into action
suddenly, grabbed her by the arm, but the developer put in the middle.
"Now, before you know it," hit the notes on the palm, "I want you to come to fight in two nights.
which would be a: no way. Expected to leave the country then.
"Yes. Sure.
-be here, assuming you do not have problems. You were fucking awesome ...
"Shut up and gimme the dough. Isaac
stood on tiptoe and looked over the heads swarming, looking Grier leave the back door with his bizarre hairstyle. Usually men out of his way, because, with the humor that I had, was probably able to castrate someone.
simply by force of will.
Getting rid of the rally and kisses on the ass of the promoter, Isaac grabbed the money, put his feet in his boots and took the sweatshirt and jacket. As he ran behind his public defender and buried the green in their pockets and found guns, silencers and a piggy bank shaped plastic bag.
- Where the hell are you going? Jim said as he and his children followed him into the race.
-A wherever she goes. It is my lawyer.
- Any chance to dissuade you from this?
-Sentenced to hell, "Jim said yes, while pushing some guy out of his way. PTI, Matthias number two is gone.
-black sedan, "interrupted the man with piercings. Fender dented and dirty as hell, but the tires were new and had electronics in the trunk. That was the XOps
for you, thought Isaac. The unknown and most modern at the same time. While
burst through the exit, the sound of cars and trucks pulling up and taking off at night became a club in traffic. Among the other roaring and lights flashing, the car looked Grier. Lead something foreign, involved. A Mercedes, BMW ... Audi ...
Where was I?
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