On the outskirts of Boston, in the suburb of Malden, Jim, Adrian and Eddie were nothing more than shadows in the thick darkness, as they approached a office building half-finished. The structure was part of a development that was matted and left fifteen or more dredging machines ... and not one of them was in use or even integer. Suggesting that the account owner's bank financial-threatening bleeding.
Assuming that he had tied a label on the foot with the Chapter 7 paperwork and jumped in a tomb in liquidation.
The unit that had come to see had a circle of grass that cut the forest, partially peeled back, the three remained in the trees while watching the distribution. The skeleton was up five floors and windows sealed with plum-colored glasses, but no lights on and nothing but the earth rammed the car park at the rear.
The place was completely abandoned.
Well, of lawful visitors, if it was.
Intruders illegal were pouring their cars and trucks formed a surprisingly orderly row quite close to where Jim and his boys were. It seemed that the information
fireman in the gym had been strong.
"You know," Adrian said, "I could enter the ring. Throw some punches. Perhaps a human or two.
Jim shook his head.
I do not think we need that right now.
-In a previous life, were you a couple of braces?
-Try a brick wall. Come on, get down there.
Mingling among the other men on their way to the back entrance, Jim sought to Isaac, in the unlikely circumstance the guy was out of jail and still wanted to fight. But more significantly, he was alert for someone who looked like a soldier, hard, expressionless, and he was there to do a job rather than being a spectator of the game.
was behind that was supposed to kill Isaac.
According to how the team worked for Special Operations, would be someone with whom both had worked, given the amount of research, training and testing ground you had to go through to get on the team, had a limited number of types they did, and the new recruits will take years to develop. Jim had only been was about six months, would recognize the murderer.
And Isaac.
"You guys, come," he told his boys as they approached an open door, supported by a block. I'm going to move here. Let me know if you see Rothe.
But I bet you would not. If the soldier was here, would be hidden somewhere peering who had come before to come forward. After all, did not take a genius to know that being booked by the police was the equivalent of sticking a red flag in your ass.
reason why in some respects, to intercept the murderer was even more important that encounters with Isaac. While
Ad Eddie and slid down the fire door, Jim stayed behind to stand in the shelter of the building. It was a habit than a necessity, no one could see.
Another advantage of being an angel to choose when to be visible to mortals. Lighting a Marlboro
remained as hidden as the leather jacket and combat boots, crawled to the crowd as they entered row. The gallery of losers tonight consisted of standard Joes: beer belly many university teams, in a further five years would have been state champions. Hats were only the Patriots and the Red Sox. A couple of sweatshirts from Chelmsford High School. When the influx
became a trickle, was ready to curse. Maybe I should have infiltrated the damn prison, though that would have been difficult. Many eyes, and although it might carry out the non-I-there, what if I had to kill someone or save someone? Would to some schizophrenic by audience and probably appear in a blur article "Aliens exist!" In the National Enquirer ...
A lone man came out of the ring of trees. It was huge and wore a black jacket did absolutely nothing to diminish the size of those shoulders. As he approached, walking like a soldier who had been trained to be swinging his gaze around and keeping both hands in his pockets, probably holding one or possibly two weapons.
"Hello, Isaac ...
As soon as the name left his lips, Jim was beaten by a powerful and inescapable pull the man became not only a goal but a target.
The original plan had been to find the guy and throw him on a plane out of the country with some resources to help you on your way
Now, however, he realized he had to do more than that. Scoring
radical change to see Rothe for the first time since that night in the desert, Jim ran into the guy shouting his name or doing anything that would frighten the bastard. Instead, he called some light for himself, making it come from darkness molecules waving around his body.
made sure that his hands were raised and palms empty. And Isaac was the one who saw him.
Isaac's head jerked. And a weapon that left an ugly jacket. Jim
moved and shook his head, the universal sign for "I'm not here to shoot you in the ass."
When Isaac finally came forward, did not run any risk. While ahead, pulled another gun from his pocket to hang with discretion aside. Both weapons have silencers and mixed with black pants sport.
For a moment the two stared at each other like a pair of idiots, and Jim had the absurd impulse to hug the bastard, though he quickly quelled. One, there was no reason to be queer. And two, it probably would beat from close range: XOps soldiers do not rub, unless they plan to kill someone.
"Hello, Jim said rudely.
Isaac coughed. Twice
- What are you doing here?
"Just walking. Thought take you to dinner.
That got a slow smile, the kind that smelled past.
- A payment?
"Yes. Jim's eyes Field drew back and saw only a couple of stragglers. You can call it that.
"I thought you were out. "I'm
"Then ..." When Jim did not answer immediately, his eyes turned icy clever guy. Has sent you to kill me.
"I needed a favor and was expensive.
- So why are we talking about?
"I do not take orders from Matthias. Isaac
-ass stupid. Now you too will hunt. Unless I fly the head right now. Jim
put the cigarette between his teeth and extended palms.
"I'm unarmed. Sign me up.
It was not surprising that Isaac made one of their guns away and quickly register your free hand to Jim. That
frown wrinkling his forehead type became more profound.
- What the hell are you thinking?
- What now? Well ... let's see, you should not be fighting there, for starters. After all, I assume you're not here as part of the package of popcorn and chocolate. Instead, I want to come with me and let me help you leave the country without danger.
Isaac's voice was old when he shook his head.
"You know I can not trust you. Sorry, man. But I can not.
The last line, although you could not criticize the reasoning: special operations, even if you had a mission with your pals, it was every man for himself. Did he decide to abandon the conspiracy? If you were ready, do not you put your life and your faith in the hands of your own mother. Jim
puffed and concentrated on the face of another man, feeling the heat that traveled through his chest became warmer. It was difficult to explain the "why" of it ... but could not get it out now that he had found Isaac. Even if that compromise his battle with Devina. Even if Isaac does not wish to help. Even if it would put himself in danger. Isaac
Rothe had to be saved.
"Sorry. He heard himself say. But I must help. And thou wilt me.
other man's eyes narrowed.
- Excuse me?
Jim glanced at the door. Adrian and Eddie had reappeared y. .. they were both looking as if it were assumed that all this had to happen. As if they had known all along that Isaac appear here. And Jim would talk to the guy. Y. ..
With a quick tilt of the head, Jim looked at the dark sky and thought about how he had his first mission: no match in any of the chain of events. Everyone and everything with what was tissue had been encountered with their homework. And wow, wow, where to look you, it was hard to imagine that Matthias played in the team Devina. The guy had done evil wherever he went, perpetrating acts of violence and deceit that have shaped the global world and private lives forever altered. Jim
started focusing on Isaac. Perhaps to be so damn committed to the ASP soldier was not just a loose page of his past ... fuck, Nigel, his new boss, had not seemed easygoing person at all, and yet the angel had given in moment that Jim had announced that he would go after Isaac was not the kind of thing you did if you were the captain of the team and your quarterback started running your own goal line.
Just the kind of things did you do if your boyfriend was right where you wanted it to be.
Fuck, fuck ... Isaac was his next mission.
Dude, that shit had turned over his own body on the funeral would be a stroke of genius.
"I need-delivered.
"I can take care of myself.
While Isaac was leaving, Jim hooked his arm.
"You know you can not do this alone. Do not be stupid.
There was a long time. -What are you
thinking, Jim. "The pale eyes were anxious type. Were away. Were free. You were the only one to escape. Why come back to that horrible place?
Jim went with a logic that the other man could believe and something that was also true, just not alone.
-I owe. You know. I owe you for that night. * Jim
Heron was exactly as he remembered Isaac: large, in good shape and nothing more than business. The blue eyes were the same, her blond hair was almost all in place, freshly shaven face fresh as ever. He even lit a Marlboro in his hand.
But there was something a little different, some kind of vibration that was ... different, though not so bad.
Perhaps the lucky bastard had come to actually sleep at night, contrary to keep a gun in his palm and wake up with every sound.
God, when he heard that Heron had withdrawn from the Special Operations, had never expected to see the man again, either because Matthias rethink card to another thing butterfly and put a bullet in his stubborn or because Jim wisely stay away anyone and anything having to do with his previous life.
But here it was. Isaac
While looking into the eyes of the type, was found to believe as much as I could, that Heron had come to help because of the debt created in the land of sand and sun. Also, if the HDP had wanted to Isaac died, this would have happened long before some of this conversation had started to roll.
"If I had come to kill you," muttered Jim, you'd be on the floor.
"Okay," said Isaac. Hold my shit as I struggle. We can start there.
Well, that did not scream fuck, "not the guy's face.
"You can not get into that ring. From the brochure I saw and the arrest, very well could have a GPS in the ass.
"I need the money.
"I have cash. Isaac
glanced out and saw that there were two big men near the door. When they lifted their hands in greeting, asked:
- Are you?
Jim seemed surprised.
"Hey, yeah. They are.
- Starting your own team? Going it alone?
"You could say that. But we talked about you and how you're not going to fight.
to piss me off with that. I was not stung by the lawyer and twenty of the great, and the two thousand dollars he had left after that would not take away. And although Matthias could send a guy that could kill ring before a hundred witnesses and still make it look like an accident, what election had? It was not a charity case for anybody, "he had learned long ago-and would not be indebted to Jim either, just to settle an old score.
In ten minutes you could win one large or two. And if I got the second in command of Matthias stab him, which appeared last night, do not really care. Knew at the time the team took off before him a funeral, but it was like someone with a deadly disease: healing by ASP was a bitch and probably would kill him, but at least he was resisting and die on their own terms.
Stay at Special Operations? Shit, he was dead but had the heart beating.
was so hollow at this point that might also be in his grave.
"I will fight," he said. And I will give my team to hold him while I'm in the Octagon. That's all the help you accept tonight.
No reason to tell the guy how much money was in his jacket. And Heron already knew about the weapons, but it was clear he would not use them.
"This is a huge mistake. Isaac
"Many people will have told you to stop Matthias at the desert to die, but was brought back because you had to do it ... and you would not let anyone dissuade you from it. The same here. Or you're on board or take away from my path.
A Curse. Then another. Finally, Jim diouna last drag on his cigarette and crushed the cigarette with the heel of his combat boot.
"Well. But intercede, okay? Get in the ring with the wrong bud and close combat.
- Why the hell are you doing that? Isaac said hoarsely.
- Why the fuck you came to meet me and Matthias that night?
The memories of the past two years were up in spurts and Isaac returned to the desert, back to when the encrypted radio was squawking and he had picked up and heard the voice Jim weak.
Ten minutes was all it took to arrange: caregiver to his tent, waiting for the shuttle and the trauma team on the frontier, boom, boom, boom. And then sat there and waited about a minute and a half.
The Land Rover he had found had been parked with the keys inside and Isaac had gotten behind the wheel and shot left. What Jim did not know was that when Matthias and he was away, Isaac had stayed behind looking at the direction you were headed.
Something about the trip to the dunes had not seemed right: no one was going anywhere alone Matthias. It was like asking a patient Ebola you coughed. Using
large swept out of the camp, he found an hour later some good eight miles from where it had begun: with night vision goggles, had pointed to something that moved slowly through a rise and taking into account that the Trolls did not actually exist, could only assume he was a man carrying another man over the sand.
As he drove toward them, had thought about how funny are the deserts, as its polar opposite, the ocean, at night the sky melted into the distance and even that did not have a reference point, like a shrub or a ship or a stupid idea Jim saving shit, you had no visual confirmation that the earth was indeed round and not square.
And that Heaven was not where you were.
had been traveling without lights and not lit. Instead, he grabbed a white shirt and pulled it out the window, knowing that Jim and hopefully would not think that was the enemy. The bastard had been armed as a tank battalion when he left the camp. Isaac
stopped carefully, came out with both hands fully visible and allowed Jim to come closer. The guy seemed exhausted, but of course, had been carrying the dead weight of Matthias in the back for God knows how many km quicksand.
was not a surprise that Jim had shone with the routine of the knight-in-shining-armor, despite the condition of his boss, who was clearly critical.
passing, Isaac had said. Thought take you to dinner.
With a jolt, back to tonight, here in ... Where was I? "Malden?
His voice had the same exhaustion that Jim had been on the way back.
"Do not you kill me, okay?
Jim muttered something that sounded like a little late for that. But it was clear that these were not the words. Forcing
head back to the game, Isaac left the past and emotions in the dust, its concentration changed this while he turned and began walking toward the entrance to the building.
When he stepped inside, Jim and the two companions of the kind pressed against him and had to wonder why Heron was not wearing a hat to hide her face or something to disguise who he was. Stupid bastard. Get the freedom ... only to return.
Fucking crazy.
But he had his own problems to worry about, and God knew that Jim was an adult and therefore allowed it to be an idiot when it meant his own life. While Isaac was
forward, the rear hall of abandoned office block was an obstacle because many empty buckets of concrete and thousands of half-empty bottles of Mountain Dew and Coca-Cola. Had been a while since someone had lifted a finger here, there was dust all debris.
was clear that the money had run out just when the crowd of screwdrivers-and-keys-.inglesas had entered, bare electrical cables snaking through the roof without hanging, channels partially filled with air conditioning, heating and plumbing. The light came from lanterns with batteries placed every five feet on the ground and the air was cool to the point of being cold. At least until they entered the huge lobby of the place. Despite the cathedral ceiling, fifty or more types swirling in the concrete floor temperature rose due to body heat.
There was no doubt that this was a perfect place to fight: the architects had planned some sort of extravagance of glass for the main entrance, but like so many things had not been completed. Instead of many crystals whole sheets of plywood was nailed to the rafters.
So the lights and the crowd were hidden.
The Octagon had been established at the center of the space, and as soon as Isaac walked among the crowd, the cheering began. While strangers struck him on the back and congratulating him out of prison, cell phones came on and got into all kinds of ears, the network was going to town with news that he was good to go even after the raid.
The promoter was running toward him.
- Damn, and they are going crazy! This cool ...
Blah, blah, blah. Isaac
scanned the faces as I went to a far corner and settled to wait. When Jim leaned carefully at his side, he found himself saying: "Last night
appeared an old friend of ours.
- Who?
"And you know what Isaac said grimly, is back.
Above where the gorillas were accepting money from gambling and the fees of the fighters, Matthias number two pulled out a wallet from his pocket. While the money changed hands, the type looked around and smiled like a crocodile.
then pointed directly to the chest of Isaac.
"You will not get into that ring Jim snapped, stepping forward and blocking the line of sight. Isaac
stared over the shoulder heavy Heron, straight in the face of the man who had been sent to kill him.
"Yes. I'll go.
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